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I'm really sick and at home today (whoop whoop!)

But srsly tho i feel disgusting boogery.

Yes i was verbing dont judge me

So my nose is clogged, cant smell a thing (WHAT ABOUT COFFEE?!??) it feels like a tight rope is around my head my throat is rlly sore, and i iz very dizzy. I go to school for 7 days and this is what happens -_-.

Well my sister has to contribute bc she's in River Sawyer High School and there was a sickness going around and everyone got sick bc of the football jocks (always them...) and so my sister got sick and she passed it on to me and its a pain writing this when every part of my body hurts!!!, but ill be back.

*cue Arnold Schwarzenegger*

I'll be baackk!

P.S- I hate going to social events bc my introverted part comes out for real.

P.P.S- whoever is making fun of annie will be hunted down and never to be see again. Ever. Again.

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