chapter 3

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"I love you so much" his kisses are getting warmer.
"Me too"
"Are you sure you want to do it?" he asks me, sucking my neck slowly
"Yes I'm sure" he with intense eyes kisses me with more passion.

His hands start to wander all over my body, I feel more and more warmth. That's why I need to do it, I feel ready. After all, we've been together for almost two years, maybe the time has come.

"You're so beautiful Lily" I suddenly hear noises upstairs.
But I don't pay much attention to it, but as soon as the door opens I and Evan let out a cry of fright.

"Fuck Michael," I say, putting a hand on my chest
"We're back," he says smiling under his mustache
"I see"

My brother comes out leaving us alone, I was really embarrassed at that time. I didn't literally know what to say, Evan looked at me but knew very well that I would not say a word.

"I'm going" he says, kissing me for the last time
"See you on Monday"

"See you Monday"
Sarah's pov

I walk through the cold streets of Los Angeles, to reach my friends in the restaurant. My thoughts wander, it seems so strange how a person can torment you like this.

I would never have thought of anyone else for so long, the last time unfortunately my ex broke my heart.


I was so bad that I did not even think of starting to live again. But instead I did it, but now ...

Well now.

I feel strange, Lily is really a kind girl for this is better if I stay away from her. I'm too complicated, even for a teacher, I have to find a way to get her out of my mind.
I start my favorite song as I start to accelerate the pace.
Suddenly, however, I clash with someone, which causes me a lot of irritation since it made me drop the phone on the ground.

"Excuse me Ms.Paulson I did not see her"


"Quiet, everything's fine" slowly I fall down on the ground, pick up the phone but a particular makes me stop.

"Did something happen?" I ask her, looking at her swollen eyes
"No, I'm fine," she says, avoiding my gaze.
"Lily, you're crying"
"It's all right, it will pass" as soon as she finishes speaking, her eyes rest for a few seconds above mine.
She mentions a small smile and then say goodbye.

"I'm still sorry for the phone, I'll see you at school Ms.Paulson" as I see her leave, I only admire her beauty.

Those words immediately rejoiced me, it will be strange. But I feel so happy.
Lily's pov

I try as much as possible to get away from that embarrassing situation, moreover I had also made her drop her cell phone.


Although seeing her again was so beautiful, the way I felt her eyes on me, the way she worried about me.


I felt for a while safe, I wanted to hug her, even if I don't know the reason. But ... but I wanted to.

Now without her I feel empty again, it does not take me so long that the tears start to fall again.
I walk without a destination in the frost, so I decide to go the beach.

A quiet place

I do not know why I was crying, but I felt I had sent it all out with Evan. I felt that he is no longer the same, slowly he is moving away and for this I can not do anything. Why?
Why am I stopping instead of talking to him?


Perhaps, at the bottom of my heart, that's what I want. Maybe I need to be alone, free myself, live my life as a daring, I don't know.

I would need..


Monday morning

This night I didn't sleep at all, I did nothing but turn around and turn over in bed. My strength is at a minimum and I have absolutely no desire to go to school.

Before my mother's shrill voice came into the room, I decided to go to the bathroom and start preparing.

A pair of black jeans, a purple sweater and finally my favorite shoes: the vans.

"Good school darling" my mother greets me with a quick kiss on the cheek.
"See you later, bye dad" I go to the door, taking the bunch of keys and then heading to school.

As always I arrive in hell after ten minutes, I lean on my usual wall and start smoking.

"Hey Lily, how are you?" taissa approaches me, touching my shoulder slightly.
"I'm not complaining, you?" I ask her bored
"I break up with Dylan, but I'm fine," she says, taking my cigarette.

I was about to reply when I see Ms.Paulson arrive at the entrance, I'm looking for a contact with her eyes but she never turns this way. Keep walking, sure of herself, then entering inside.

"You with Evan?"
"Oh I don't know actually," I say sighing
"Now I have to go in, in case we'll talk later"
Without waiting for an answer, I also go inside the school.

Even though the bell had not yet sounded, I wanted to go to class.


We will have her lesson for two consecutive hours, I've never felt happier until now. It was really strange how my heart beat so hard ... what was going on?

"Lily Good Morning" her voice was the most beautiful sound in the world.
"Morning Ms.Paulson" I continue going to her desk
"How are you, Lil? Has the phase passed?"


Did she really call me Lil?

"I'm better, thank you for asking, how are you?" I ask, placing the backpack on top of my desk.
"I'm fine,well you know I was wondering -"
her words practically end when the other classmates enter in the classroom.

I look for her look but the only thing she does to me is a simple smile.
In the meantime I sit and listen to her wonderful voice.
"Guys before you leave, I wanted to tell you about a project, you'll have to come in groups every Wednesday starting this week at school in the afternoon, each of you will do a task ... like theater, music, or you can do a course extra to improve in English "

this news suddenly makes me happy, even if I don't show it, inside of me I'm smiling like a fool.
I wait for everyone else to leave and I'll go back to her to say hello.

"I'll see you Wednesday Lil, I recommend you do not cry, you'll see that everything will pass" with a sudden movement touches my hand.


"All right, Ms. Paulson, I hope to come to her group" I say, then I leave the class.

"I hope too"

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