chapter 5

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Almost three weeks had passed, the arrival of Christmas parties were getting closer and I did nothing but think of Sarah.

Since I've been at home everything has changed between us, at school we try to maintain a professional relationship, but when we are out we behave totally differently.

For me it is really an important person, I love her very much ... but inside me I feel that there is something more. Maybe it's because I miss contact with someone, maybe I need affection.

Just this

Whenever she enters my thoughts, a smile appears on my face. I can't even explain what I feel, but I certainly don't want to lose her.

It's too important for me.
Sarah's pov

Days pass, weeks pass and I'm getting closer and closer to Lily. Our relationship is something so natural ... it's special. Just like her.

Even if, after all, I know that I will send everything to hell, my heart is changing and this is for her. I'll have to look for a way to get her off my head, a way to be her friend without feeling any kind of emotion.

After all, I have not told her yet that I'm gay, I don't know how she could get it. Maybe if after I tell her about my orientation, her totally change attitude?

I could lose her

This does not have to happen, she is too important.
"Lil hey, sorry to bother you, I understand it's Friday night so you might not be home, but I was wondering if you would like to come to me or if it's more convenient for you at your home."

While I was taking a shower suddenly I hear the phone ringing. I quickly rinsed off the soap that was left and left the shower.

Who will ever be at this time?

Check who had written me and I realized it was Sarah. I lose a beat. As always, my face smiles, I wait a second and then I open the text.

What do I do now?

I would love to see her, even if not a day had passed since we met, I miss her. So I decide to answer:

"Sarah, I'm sorry if I didn't answer, I was in the shower, but since my parents are not here, you could come in. Let me know."

The heart beats a thousand, because every time I barely hear Sarah, this happens to me?

Am I  falling in love?

It's impossible. After all, with Evan I didn't feel these sensations, she is a simple friend.
But above all it is my teacher, what should happen between us?

"Sure Lil, see you in half an hour"


From now on I had exactly twenty-five minutes to get ready, I wanted to make myself beautiful.
I felt the need.

I run into my room and look for something in the closet, I look carefully at each garment but I don't like them.
So I start looking into the spare closet.

I find a v-neck T-shirt with long sleeves and a pretty tight black skirt. Lastly, since I had to stay at home, I decided to put in the bordeaux converse.

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