2: superpowers

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Age 7

Today was a warm day, not too hot not too cold, it was the perfect day to go to the park.

Zayn managed to convince his mother to take him to the park, she was a bit grumpy about it but she loved to see her son smiling.

He was running up the steps of the playground and then turning a sharp corner to make his way up to the biggest slide.

A smile was engrained on his lips, his eyes sparkling like the sun just before it sets.

He was happy again.

Harry, Zayn found out that was his name the day after he first saw him, was running after him. He was laughing loudly as he chased after him.

Zayn quickly swooped onto the slide, sliding down and moving in a twirl. He could hear Harry closely behind him, he was close to catching him but Zayn wasn't having it.

Once he was off the slide, he quickly ran to the other side of the playground where a smaller slide was.

Harry still hot on his tail. "I'll catch you!" Harry yelled, a grin on his face and his arm stretched out.

It wasn't enough to scare Zayn though, he was fast. He picked up the speed and ran up a small set of steps, then turned to slide down the smaller slide.

But he was surprised when he saw Harry grinning at him at the end of the slide.

His brown eyes widened and Harry laughed evilly when he finally had a hold of Zayn once he was down the slide.

"I got you! Now it's your turn to chase me!" Harry said loudly as he tapped Zayn's shoulder and made a run for it.

Zayn was nearly out of breath but he still ran after Harry, he didn't want him to get away.

It took all of one minute to catch Harry, he wasn't very crafty nor was he good at taking sharp turns.

"I got you too!" Zayn yelled happily as he plopped down on the wood chips next to Harry who had fallen due to his lack of coordination.

"Only because I fell! I hate these little wood thingies, they're pointless and they always poke my knees when I fall," Harry grumbled with a pout.

"You gotta work on your turns." Zayn smiled at Harry who shook his head and stood.

Zayn followed suit. "I'm gonna go get water from my mama, I'll see you in a bit," Zayn said and waved as he ran to where his mother was sitting.

She wasn't there. There was no water bottle or her small black purse that she always clutched tightly.

Did she leave Zayn?

"Mama?!" he called out. He was scared, he wanted to cry.

He sat on the brown bench, looking around him as heartbeat sped up. His mother wouldn't just leave him like that, right?

Did she forget about him? She couldn't, he was her only child. Her favorite child. The one she loved the most.

"Mama," Zayn whispered to himself as he stared down at his lap.

His vision became blurry and then tears were streaming down his face.

His feet dangled as he waited, how long was he supposed to wait for before he told someone?

Soon, Harry came running to him, his smile fading when he saw the tears falling from Zayn's eyelashes and plopping down on his baby blue shorts.

"Hi, Zaynie. My mommy had an extra Capri-Sun," Harry said gently as he went to sit next to Zayn.

Harry's feet grazed the concrete when he sat flush against the back of the bench. He was tall.

Zayn didn't answer, he only sniffled and waited.

Harry frowned and placed the Capri-Sun in between them and waited too. "What's wrong?" he asked, leaning forward and cranking his neck to look up at Zayn.

Those eyes were sad. Zayn wasn't happy.

"My mama left me. What if she doesn't come back? What if she doesn't want me anymore? What if she doesn't love me?" Zayn said quietly, his eyes looking up to Harry who was sat up straight again.

"She wouldn't do that." Harry rubbed Zayn's back in small circles.

"But she always leaves and she's never here. Neither is papa," Zayn sniffled. "Why don't they love me? Am I ugly? What's wrong with me?"

The tears wouldn't stop. Harry grabbed the Capri-Sun and took the plastic off the yellow straw, then shoved the plastic in his pocket because his mommy always taught him not to litter.

He plucked the straw into the small clear hole and handed to Zayn. "Drink. It'll make you feel better."

So Zayn trusted Harry and he drank it. It was good and cold but it didn't help.

"Feel better?" Harry asked, taking the empty plastic away from him. Zayn shook his head.

Then Harry grabbed Zayn's hand and held it tightly. "Well, I'll make you feel better somehow. I've got superpowers, that's what my mommy told me. She said I always know how to make people smile," Harry smiled proudly.

"As a superhero, I have to do anything to make people smile. Even you, Zaynie."

Zayn smiled at that, looking at Harry and squeezing his hand back.

"I'm here, Zaynie. I'll always be here," Harry assured him. "Just keep holding on, I'll send you my strength."

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