Chapter 4 (pt 2) Beast.

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Sorry for the late update. I feel terrible already. 😥 I had another electricity problem. So sorry.

Thanks for reading.


A month ago...

Sirens echoed in the middle of the street as well as people's whispers and screams, instead of butterflies vipers ate out my intestine at the scene before me, the wind laughed at me their mockery sounds like hyena's the sun setting in the blue sky cursed me, every vehicles that roared and every honk trapped me in that world of darkness and loneliness, every living creatures came to stand as witnesses to that day that I died.


Three hours earlier...

My girly laughter burst through the air ringing like a bell of hope and salvation, sending birds flying excitedly as they added their chipping to the equation and made everything fabulous, the flowers smelled lovelier than ever, the pavement felt like soft marbles under my feet that made me twirl around in happy feelings, the wind helped make my heart sodden in great happiness that forced the trees to bow in praises.

Now hopping down the street feeling unprecedentedly happy, grinning from ear to ear like someone injected me with extreme ecstasy I laughed at my silliness as I hopped like a child to Alice's house which I was getting closer to.

The days of unhappiness and pains had rolled from my life and I had found light at the end of my tunnel. My parents who seemed splenetic lately and irksome to each other had finally learned to be happy and to make me happier they decided to invite the remaining family to a great fun time.

But this has to be the day Alice didn't pick her calls, making my Mama send me to her place to get her to the cinema while they picked out a movie before we arrive.

Warbling a song that was the perfect formula for making a happy girl happier, I hit the last fortissimo pitch that sent pedestrians smiling at the sound I made and kids pointing at me while making cute squishy faces that added to my gaiety.

I raised my arms to the air as I dragged on the pitch standing in front of Alice's three inch tall gate, I bowed to my imaginary voice trainer laughing at my silliness as I opened the gate hopping to the door while twirling at every opportunity I got making my recently stretched hair bounce about excitedly free from their curls.

I stopped on Alice's door, turning the door handle thereby moving the door backwards as it revealed the people before me.

Woolliness settled in me as I baffled with understanding at the scene before me, staring at Olamide Alice's friend I furrowed my brows, she was clad in a chartreuse jumpsuit that elaborated her curves, her head bouncing with fake hair extensions as she nodded her face  sparkling with a smile that complemented her makeup and chiseled face that looked focused on the magazine in her hands seeming oblivious of Alice who was three feet away from her in shackles, her face coated in animosity as it bead with sweats that rolled over the duct tape placed on her mouth.

Surprised to see Alice who was cheerful lately with the happiness of finding love again, filled with venom I closed the door behind me getting Olamide's attention. "What's going on?"

Alice groaned while Olamide answered looking surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Good evening," I whispered taking a seat while Olamide gave a nod. "for Alice to be chained to a chair and you reading a  magazine on guns proves this planet isn't save," pointing at both of them I added."from both of you."

Monica. (When Life Takes A Wrong Turn Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now