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I drew the picture! It really has nothing to do with the story tbh. Lol

This story might be a little confusing but Naruto is referred to as he even though he is in Hinata's body. And same with Hinata.

Chapter 1

Light shines through the curtains on to Naruto's face. He groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His chakra seemed to be awkwardly low. Almost as if he didn't have the Kyuubi.

Naruto looked around him. This isn't my apartment! he looked at his hands. They were pale, small, and perfect.

Since when did I master these hands? He touched the huge oppais he found instead of his chest. Ero-Sennin would be proud. Naruto slipped out of bed, walked towards a mirror. He was eager to look at his perfected form. I can't wait to show Konohamaru.

Standing in front of the mirror, Naruto's purple eyes widened. "Nani!?" he screamed in a very Hinata-like voice. There staring right at Naruto was a very shocked Hinata. He had a thin nightgown and his hair was put into a sloppy bun. "Why did I turn into Hinata?-dattebayo"

"I need to turn back," said Naruto feeling weirdly pervy. He focused his chakra but nothing happened. Why didn't I turn back to myself?

Naruto needed to figure out where he was. He walked towards a desk looking for clues. The first thing he noticed was that there were flowers littered everywhere. Oh, I'm probably in Hinata' s room.

Naruto then spotted a purple book and without thinking, he flipped to a random page. Her handwriting is so cute.
He starts reading.

  know I'm weak and stupid and a failure. Otou-san always says so. He never tries to sugar coat things. I honestly, like that about him. But it hurts—a lot. I try my best I swear! It never seems to be enough. Neji-nii sama and Hanabi-nii are both so much stronger than me. I'll work harder.

I hate my life. I know, I sound negative. I'm not. I wish mama was alive. He would make everything better again. Mama was so gentle and happy. I wish there could be someone like that in this compound. But everyone here is just so aggressive.

Anyway, that was just on my mind.

Naruto wanted to flip the page.

This is her diary! I shouldn't be reading this! He thought. I know but just one more page...

Naruto's hand trembled as it flipped the page.

I wish I could be with him. He is so cool and he never gives up. I just love him so much. He will never notice me though. I tried but I think he just thinks of me as just a friend. But maybe... one day he will realize I love him.

Naruto stopped. He was reading too much. He slowly closed the book.

Hinata must really love this person. I have no business knowing who that is. It's probably Kiba or something anyway.

Naruto looked around and decided that he needed to tell someone. I could go to Neji....no bad idea he would get really mad at me... doesn't Hinata have a little sister? The one Konohamaru is always talking about. What's her name? Hanabi?

Naruto opens the closet to look for clothes. What would a girl wear? Hinata didn't have anything Sakura and Ino would coo about. Except for a kimono in the back of the closet. Naruto just pulled out Hinata's usual purple sweatpants and a black tee-shirt. He started to take off the nightgown. Hold on... how am I supposed to do this... I'm gonna see...oh god.

He could almost hear Ero-Sennin cheering him on. So with a red hot face, Naruto closed her eyes and took off the nightgown. His hand rushed up to his nose as blood splattered everywhere. "Kuso!" he cursed. He scrambled to find a tissue as he caught a glimpse of Hinata in the mirror. Oh god... I should really stop...ugh.

He finally got the bleeding to stop and pulled on some clothes. Naruto sighed sadly as he attempted to brush his hair. It was surprisingly hard. He pulled, it hurt, but he finally got it to look decent. Is this what girls have to go through every morning?

He eventually left to find Hanabi's room. There was one problem though. He was lost. The compound was like a labyrinth with all of its twists and turns. How do the Hyuugas deal with this!? Then a thought popped into Naruto's head. Byakugan! Of course! If I'm Hinata, then I must have Byakugan. Right?

He concentrated his chakra into his eyes. All of a sudden, he could see everything. Everything was transparent. A chill ran through his back as he grinned. "I can use Byakugan!" he almost screamed.

When he finally found Hanabi's room, he burst in. "Hanabi! Wake up!" Naruto yelled. Hanabi groaned "Hinata.....you are so annoying. Leave me to sleep!"

"You see Hanabi, I'm Naruto!"

Hanabi giggled, then her giggling turned into laughter, then she started rolling in her bed cackling hysterically. "Hanabi! It's not funny- dattebayo!" Naruto protested. That just triggered Hanabi to laugh harder. When her laughter finally died down, Hanabi said "Hinata! You are so funny sometimes!"

"I'm not Hinata! I'm Uzumaki Naruto! And this morning I woke up in Hyuuga Hinata's body! I know it sounds crazy and all but you have to help me!" naruto's expression was serious. She paused. "Y-you aren't joking...oh my god! Your situation is hilarious!" Hanabi continued laughing.

This girl...

"If you are in Hinata's body, then where is Hinata?!" Hanabi asked smiling. Naruto paused. "Maybe she is in my body..." Naruto didn't want a girl in his body. Oh...god...

Hanabi giggled "I can imagine poor Hina-chan passing out!"

"Hanabi! I have to go to my apartment to see who is in my body! Don't tell anyone about this"

"Sure do whatever you want. I'm gonna go back to sleep"

And with that, Naruto ran out of the Hyuuga compound, and to his apartment.

And with that, Naruto ran out of the Hyuuga compound, and to his apartment

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Guys, It's naruhina forever. ps. I don't own this picture I just found it

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

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