Plot Twist!

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the pictures I'm posting. I just thought they where cute. Also, I don't own Naruto or this fic would be canon

Please comment! I wanna know what you guys think.

Chapter 3

Hinata sighed. This was the most awkward, embarrassing, and tiring experience of her life.

When is this going to be over? When do I wake up only to realize it was just a dream?

It was only ten in the morning and it seemed like an eternity. Naruto and Hinata were currently walking through Konoha, hoping no one would see them.

Too late.

"Oi!" A voice called from far away.

Both of them turned their head. Kiba was running toward them.

"Hi, Naruto! Hi Hinata!" He yelled out.

"What are you two doing together?" He asked bluntly.
Hmm, that's weird. Hinata tells me everything.
Kiba thought. She doesn't look the least bit shy around Naruto.

"Um...we're...mmm" Hinata sputtered.

it's really not like not like Naruto to start stuttering.

"We are on a date-Datte-" Naruto blurted, he had almost said Dattebayo.

Naruto's reasoning for that answer: what would we be doing together? It's not like we hang out a lot. Plus if this was Sakura-Chan, she would punch me real hard in my body or not. But Hinata isn't Sakura-Chan. I hope she doesn't mind. But that might hurt her feelings because she is already in love with Kiba. I'll have to apologize later.

Hinata was just stunned for a second before she started feeling the effect of passing out. The awkwardness of the whole situation just made it worse.

Her vision started to blur. Oi gaki, you can't pass out. Naruto wouldn't faint. Kurama growled.

You're right I can't, it's my mission!

She snapped back to real life.

Meanwhile, Kiba was stunned. His jaw dropped down to the floor before he grinned. "Well good luck with your date" he teased.

"Also Naruto, if you do one thing to break Hinata's heart, I'll kill you..." Kiba narrows his eyes.

"Don't worry Kiba-Ku- Kiba!-d-Dattebayo!" Hinata answered awkwardly. She was glad Kiba was protective over her, but that's a little much.

Naruto sighed. "That was close"

Hinata was quite. "Um Hina-I mean Naruto, I'm sorry for telling Kiba we were on a date."

"That's fine. I-I don't mind" she blushed

"Um, if you want, we could go to Ichiraku's ramen!" Naruto offered.

Hinata wasn't hungry, but she would never say no to a chance to go on a date with Naruto. Even though it wasn't really an official date. Even though they were in each other's bodies.


At Ichiraku's

Naruto was slurping his ramen like it was the last he will ever eat, whereas Hinata was poking it with her chopsticks. 

"Are you Okay Naruto? You barely touched your ramen." Ayame asks.

"I'm just not hungry" answered Hinata.

Ayame arched an eyebrow in surprise, but let it go. Hinata usually likes ramen but she just couldn't get herself to eat.
"I don't feel so good" Hinata grumbled. Naruto stopped eating

"Are you okay?" he asked mouth full of food.
Hinata nodded "I just wanna go home" that's when it clicked for both of them.

We have to stay at each other's house.

"Um, Hinata," Hinata whispered.
"Does anyone in the Hyuuga compound know about this?" she asked.

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