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{Noel's POV:}

So change of plans.. Not going to the zoo because all of us got food poisoning from the food we all ate last night. The symptom for food poison I got was sickness and vomiting, then the guys got.. um.. yeah. "I'm sorry I poisoned you, Nova." Cam said with a frown on his lips as he walked in the living room, sitting down. "It's alright Cam, we don't know and I don't blame you guys. Just the food." I reassured him as I placed my hand on his.

"I just feel bad because we were suppose to go out today but now we're basically dying." He told me as he rubbed the back of my hand. I nodded, "Yeah I feel bad too but bright side, we still have days to go out and do shit."

"Yeah." Cam still had a frown on his lips as he moved so that his head was on my lap and he was facing the TV, "Do you want me to make some tea? It might help with our stomachs." I asked running my fingers through his hair then placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes please but I also don't want you to get up because you're really comfy." Cam mumbled as he moved and wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his head on my stomach. I smiled at him as I sneakily grabbed my phone that was on the table beside me, I opened up the camera app and took a picture of Cam. I posted it on my instagram stories, captioning it 'sick boi is adorable uwu @goodguyfitz'.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" Cam asked after I placed my phone back on the table, "...Maybe."


@SwaggerSouls: Hey @noeldavidson, I'm sorry we poisoned you on your first night here in Melbourne. Forgive us

457 replies | 214 retweets | 1.5k likes

@noeldavidson: @SwaggerSouls I forgive you and don't blame you guys, just blame the food

@username: @SwaggerSouls @noeldavidson why did i laugh?

@RealMcCreamy: @SwaggerSouls @noeldavidson @GoodGuyFitz I love your girlfriend Cam.. SHES SO NICE WTF


"I would like to die right now. Cam? I can sell my soul to Satan?" I asked as I walked in the living room, lying on the couch with him. Cameron wrapped his arms around my upper waist. "Me too and no, I know the aftermath of selling the soul because I've seen Supernatural." He said as he wipe some of hairs away from my face. "Damn." I mumbled making him laugh, "Sorry to burst your bubble Nova."

"It's alright. Just be like Dean Winchester, go behind their back and sell my soul." I joked.. I know bad joke but give me a break, I don't feel good.. and my jokes suck. "Nah then I would have to sell my soul to get your soul back." "Don't backfire my plan to sell my souuul." I pouted, Cam poked my nose, "Bitch, I'm trying to keep you alive." He said, making me laugh. "Well I shall stay alive for you." I poked his nose.

"Do you wanna watch Brooklyn Nine Nine or something else?" Cam asked. "Uhh Supernatural."


@noeldavidson: We're watching Supernatural and Cam is yelling at Metatron.. I'm proud of what I turned my boyfriend into

859 replies | 424 retweets | 2,357 likes

@username: @noeldavidson Im proud as well


@noeldavidson: @OfficialDarkRaven I told him what you said and he flipped you off lole


"No they can't do that! What the fuck!" Cam yelled at the tv, it's the last episode of season nine where Metatron stabs Dean in the chest. I laughed, "Babe you're gonna have a love hate relationship with season ten." "What?" He looked at me with wide eyes, "I mean you're going to love season ten." "Tell me what happens." "Nope. Gotta watch the season to see what happens." I smiled.

"You're mean." Cam pouted as he leaned back on the couch, "I know." I nodded with a laugh. "I need to know now." Cam said as he grabbed his phone, "No! No spoilers." I said, "Ugh! Fine." "Yay!" "This show causes depression." Cam mumbled as he leaned his head on my shoulder. The scene was at the point where Dean is saying that he's proud of Sam and him, "You aren't wrong." I nodded as I patted his head.

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