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@noeldavidson: umm... mans.. would say something else but im not gonna say what I'm thinking

 would say something else but im not gonna say what I'm thinking

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@username: @noeldavidson you wanna say the um d a d word

@username: @noeldavidson what a beard

@GoodGuyFitz: @noeldavidson Oh?👀

@noeldavidson: @GoodGuyFitz Love yooou 😘🥰

{Noel's POV: Few Weeks Later:}

It's been two weeks since Cameron left and two weeks since I gotten better from the flu but still have the cough from it, surprisingly that Cam hadn't gotten sick. Right now I'm laying in my bed as I have Big Mouth playing in the background while I scroll through Instagram and Twitter. Also not doing so well mentally wise, don't really know why I feel like this and just feel so fucking down these past few days because I've been staying in bed, barely doing anything. Like it's that feeling that you sometimes get and you don't know if you're sad, lonely or depressed about something.

You're probably thinking why don't I just text/call my friends or my dad, Connor, mom, or Cameron. I would but I hate talking to people about my problems—I mean I don't mind it but when I'm feeling like this, some people don't have the right words to say or they don't even care. I guess I could talk to Cameron or my mom about it because they always know what to say. I just don't really like talking about my feelings, I never liked talking to a therapist even if I liked that person.

Switching to my messages, texting Cam, asking him if he's busy and if we could Skype. I grabbed my laptop, opening up Skype when Cameron texted back saying of course. "What's up?" Cameron answered with a beard covered smiled, fuck he looked good. "I'm feeling like eh." "Oh that feeling," Cam nodded, "Yeah." I mumbled as I rubbed my face, pushing my hair out of my face as well. "Do you want to talk about it?" Cam asked, "I don't know if I do, honestly."

"You sure? It might make you feel better if you talk about it." Cam added. "Yeah, we can talk about it later. Please." "Yeah of course babe, I'm gonna send you postmates you some soup, okay?" "Okie, thank you baby." I smiled softly at him. "You're welcome."


It past a few days and I had packed my suitcase as I wanted to Australia early instead of near the of August, early September. If you're wondering how I have the money to go, my mom give me some as I had money as well, just needed another two hundred dollars. The only person that knows I'm coming is Toby as I asked him if he could pick me up after my plane landed. With the conversation I had with Cameron a couple days ago, we did talk about how I was feeling, he helped me out of my funk that I was in a bit. I'm not completely better from the funk, I still feel like shit, so yeah. Fun right? Anyways, the flight from New York to Australia was alright, just like always. I slept most of the way, and watched EndGame because why not and I needed a good cry.

"Dude, I'm so grateful for you." I smiled at Toby as I got in his car, "Aww stop. I'm glad you got out of the house though even if you had to come out here." He smiled back. "Yeah but I knew that I had to get out. And I just guessed that I'll spend more time here than any other time as we're all going to Adelaide or somewhere soon for a convention." I said as I got comfortable in the passenger seat. "Well I hope you'll feel better with the time you're here." Toby said as he drove. "Thank you, I do too. I hate feeling like this so I really hope I get out of the feeling."

We got to the house and I grabbed my suitcase and backpack. "Okay, so Cam is in Auckland for the day but he'll be back tonight. Mason and Eric are here, probably sleeping. Matt is on a run or walk, either or." Toby told me as we walked in the house. "Ah that's fun. How is Ryan?" I asked him, "DO I HEAR A GUEST IN THE HOUSE? IT IS NOVA?" I heard Mason yell.

"AH WHY YES IT IS NOVA!" I yelled back, laughing as Mason and Eric almost fell on each other going down the stairs. "Shut up. I'm glad you're here, I've been so lonely." Mason hugged me, laughing. "Ah sure you have." "How long are you here for?" Eric asked as he gave me a side hug, "Literally like two months ish. I'm going back home in September. So you guys are stuck with me." I smiled. "Oh yeah! You're coming with us to the convention in August."


Covering my mouth with my hand, I tried not to laugh as I heard Cameron walk in the house. Toby has a key to Cameron's house, so he let me go in to surprise Cam as Toby got pizza for all of us. I was in his office on the chair, just chilling, the office door was closed so he can't see me until he opens the door, obviously. I had my phone set up so it can catch Cameron walking through the door and me sitting in the chair.

The door opened and Cam walked in, his eyes widen as I smiled at him. "Hey babe." "What.. When the fuck did you get here?" He hugged me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders , pulling me close to him. "I got here this morning, almost around eleven." I told him, placing my hands on the back of his neck after the hug, his hands resting on my hips as I smiled up at him. "I'm glad you're here, I was gonna go down to New York to surprise you." "Great minds think alike." I winked, making him laugh. "How long are you here for?" "The third week of September." "That's awesome!" "I know!" I mimicked Monica's voice from Friends. 


a/n: IM SO SORRY, LIFE GOT BUSY!!! BUT COEL IS BACK IN BUSINESS! This chapter is gonna be a filler and I'll have the next chapter longer, maybe, we'll see :D

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