Chapter One

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter One



I wake up and take out my new book.

Carrying my father's clothes, I head to town.

I love how this place is so accepting...

Well, accepting towards sexuality and identities.

Whether you are homosexual, pansexual, bisexual, etc, they'd accept you...


They aren't accepting towards knowledge.

They hate learning for some strange reason!

I try to hide my book as I walk through the stone streets.

I sneak into an alleyway and begin to read.

Give me my Romeo, and, when I shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night, And pay no worship to the garish su-

I sigh as Gideon tilts my book from my face.

"Hello there Pinesy~" He purrs.

"I told you to stop calling me that."

I turn away and walk to the washing station.

"Why must you always read?" He asks, catching up to me.

"Why must you always flirt with me?" I mock.

"Because I'm going to make you love me," He says, grabbing my book from my hands.

I try to take it back, but Gideon tosses it into the water.

"You jerk!" I snap.

"Your future husband," he says grinning.

I roll my eyes and fish the book out of the water.

I do my best to salvage the literature and walk away from a laughing Gideon.

I sit on a bench and a little girl sits next to me. 

"What's that?" She asks, pointing at the book.

"William Shakespeare," I say smiling.

"It looks like gibberish."

"You don't know how to read?"

She shakes her head sadly.

"I'll teach you then."

I fetch a children's book and begin to teach her.

"A... dog... went... on... a walk! Her... name was... Lucy!" She says in boxy English.

She continues to read.

"Lucy and... her owner... lived happily... ever after! I did it Dipper! I did it!" She says proudly.

"You did! I'm proud of you," I say smiling.

"Did you... teach her how to read? How disgusting!" A man, who I'm guessing is the girl's father, says in a nasty tone.

He tears the book from my hand and rips it to pieces.

"You may never be around that man again Emma-Sue!" He scolds, leading the girl away.

She turns back to me and waves as the man drags her away.

The surrounding people glare at me and dump my laundry onto the dirty pavement.

I sigh and begin to rewash it.

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