Chapter Seven

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter Seven


I hop off Powers and shout for Gideon to stop this madness.

"Ah! Pinesy! How are you?" He asks.

"You a$$hole! You're a monster! You raped me and now this?! You're trying to send my Father to the asylum!" I scream.

The bystanders gasp and talk among themselves.

"He's insane, my love," he hums, touching my arm.

I swat his limbs away.

"My father is not lying! There is a person in that castle! He's not a monster... He's... wonderful..." I say dreamily.

Gideon glares at me.

Then he smiles.

"How do we know you're not insane?"

"What? No! I can show you!" I say, pulling out the magic mirror.

It shows Bill sitting on his bed, his face dripping with tears.

Oh my God... 

He is crying over me.

I find tears falling from my own eyes.

"He must have you under a spell!" Gideon accuses.

"Bill does not have me under a spell!" I yell back.

"You gave it a name?!

I shake my head.

"He already had a name, you idiot! He was a person!"

"He has you under a spell! He's a monster! We shall free you! Kill the beast!" Gideon chants.

The villagers grab their pitchforks and torches and chant along.

"No! Bill's not a monster! He's-"

"Keep him with his father until we return with the beast's head," Gideon grins.

A man grabs me and throws me into the carriage that holds Father. 

I land on him and apologize.

"I never should have shown them Bill! Now they'll kill him!" I cry.

"We'll find a way out! Don't worry," Father says, holding me.

We frantically search for a way out.

Then I hear a small voice squeak.

"I want to help!"

Candy hops into the carriage.

I smile and ask why she's here.

"I didn't think you would actually leave... I... I needed to come with you to convince you to come back! Bill loves you... and... He doesn't want you to leave," she says sadly.

I blink.

"He... loves me...?"

She (attempts to) nods.

"He sure does."

"Mason... Now you have to go back," Father says.

"I'll help you guys! Candy... ATTACK!!!" The tea cup says, ramming into the hinges.

They break into pieces and the doors swing open.

How did Candy not break?

Probably because she's magic...

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