Chapter Three

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter Three

The Next Morning-


I wake up naked and in loads of pain.

Bruises and hickies cover my body.

What happened...?

Gideon's what happened.

I gasp as I realize what he did.

He raped me.

"Oh my God..." I say to myself.

"You so enjoyed it last night," Gideon says next to me.

I turn to him and kick his pathetic d*ck.

"ARGH! You b*tch!" He yells.

"ARGH! You rapist!" I mock.

"Fous le camp de ma maison!" I snap.

[Translation: Get the hell out of my house!]

"Ceci est ma maison maintenant salope," he says in French.

He... He spoke in French!

I gasp as I realize what he said.

[Translation: This is my house now sl*t.]

He grabs my shoulders and throws me against the wall.

I crumble to the ground, but he pins me to the wall.

"Je te baiserais encore si je n'avais pas à aller à la chasse," he growls, spitting on me.

[Translation: I'd f*ck you again if I didn't have to go hunting.]

He pushes me against the wall one last time, and leaves me to cry.

With shaky hands I put on thick clothes to hide my embarrassment.

I head into town with my head down.

Untrue words make me want to die.

"I heard Dipper was begging for Gideon! What a wh*re!"

"Ick. I could hear Mason... It was disgusting. They aren't even married!"

I want to die.

"So... it's a hookup thing..."

"I believe so! I heard Dipper asked Gideon to bring Tyler next time!"

"Mason is such a sl*t!"

I want to die.

People just stare as I walk past.

If only they knew.

I should tell them the truth.

...but it's not like they'll believe me.

I stop at the bakery and greet Mr. Durland.

"Bonjour Monsieur. Puis-je acheter un pain?" I ask.

[Translation: Good morning sir. May I buy a loaf  of bread?]

Mr. Durland sighs.

"Je pensais que tu étais un bon enfant. Je suis assez déçu," he frowns.

[Translation: I thought you were a good kid. I'm quite disappointed.]

A few tears fall from my face.

"Il m'a violée... Je n'ai rien fait de mal!"

[Translation: He raped me. I didn't do anything wrong!]

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