Chapter Five

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter Five 


I sneak out of my room and slip into the West Wing.

I find Bill crying over a wilting blue rose.

A petal falls onto the table and the castle shakes as if it's in pain.

As I make my way to Bill, I notice how terribly messy this wing is.

Then I see something else...

A torn up painting of a young man with familiar eyes. 


So beautiful...


Is that Bi-

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Bill screams at me.


"GET OUT! GET OUT!!!" He yells.

I gasp and run away.

Bill chases me out of the West Wing while screaming for me to leave.

I grab my cloak and sprint to the entrance, but my friends catch up to me.

"Don't leave! There's a snowstorm!" Ford warns.


"I'm sorry, but I can't stay here!" I interrupt.

I mount Powers and ride in the raging storm.

I clutch onto my horse as he sprints.

Wolves howl around me in this ghastly blizzard.

They surround us and bite at my cloak.

I grab a stick and swing it at them.

I hit a few of my targets, but there's too many.

I'm going to die here...

Father... I'm sorry.

I wipe away tears and continue to fight with my dwindling strength. 

I hear something roar behind me.

Bill's demonic figure leaps to my side and attacks the wolf pack.

"Bill!" I gasp.

He knocks out eight wolves, but one bites onto his upper left arm.

He howls in pain and swats the wolf away.

The Beast collapses to the ground as the pack retreats into the dark woods.

I hop onto Powers but look back at my hero with a sad face.

I can't just leave him here...

I manage to pick him up and rest him onto my horse's back.

Back at the Castle-


I wake up to see Pinetree taking out a washcloth and soaking it in hot water.

"What are you-"

"Shh. Stay still and relax," he interrupts.

I grumble and turn away.

When the cloth touches my wound, it f*cking burns.

"Ack! That hurts!" I yelp, pulling away.

Pinetree gives me a sad look.

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