Chapter Six

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter Six


I feel my cheeks heat up as Bill crawls off of me.

"S-Sorry about that," he stammers.

"It's f-fine."

"Come on, lunch should be ready," he says, holding my hand.

My face blushes even more.

"Ready to teleport?" He asks.

I hold onto him and nod.

I feel us zip through the universe and to the dinner table.

"Lunch is served," Mabel says smiling.

A potato soup fills our bowls.

"Thank you," I say, lifting my spoon.

I laugh as Bill lifts his plate and sloppily eats the soup.

His face blushes in embarrassment.

I grin and lift my plate and take a sip.



But Dipper smiles and starts to eat as I do.

I grab my napkin with one of my arms and tap my mouth.

Dipper does the same and smiles at me.

"What's your favorite wine?" He asks.

"Red Bordeaux wine. Cabernet-Merlot blend."

"Why?" I ask.

"Just curious..."

I snap my fingers, and a bottle of my favorite wine appears in my hand.

"Voulez-vous vous saouler?" I ask.

[Translation: Would you like to get drunk?]

Pinetree smiles shyly.

"Pourquoi pas?" He shrugs.

[Translation: Why not?]

I pour us a glass as our hands brush.

A Few Drinks Later-


Pinetree gives me a drunk giggle.

"Billlllll... You're so nice and *Hic* pretty... Especially your eyes! *Hic*"

I laugh and take another sip.

"I think you're beautiful too..." I say, completely drunk.

He smiles at me and snuggles into my deformed body.

"I think you're awesome... *Hic* multiple limbs and all..." he giggles.

Pinetree's eyes meet mine and we both lean in...

Then I feel as if needles were piercing my heart.

I fall to the ground as the castle shakes.


Another petal fell.

Dipper rushes to my side and hugs me.

"Are you ok?" He asks, clearly worried.

"I-I'm fine..." I say, clutching my heart.

Pinetree helps me stand and leads me to a chair.

"Another fell... didn't it..." he asks softly.

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