Chapter Four

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Your Beauty, Your Beast

Chapter Four


Who does this man think he is?

He wants to sacrifice his freedom just to save his dying father?

How pathetic.

Pinetree just stares at me.

"Do we have a deal, Beast?" He asks, extending his hand.

I shake his hand with my top right arm.

"It's a deal, Pinetree."

"No! I won't allow this!" His father says, shaking the bars in his cell.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," the brunette whimpers as I grab him.

I drag him back outside and onto his horse.

"Let me say goodbye... Please," my new prisoner asks quietly.

I feel my body relax as Pinetree's eyes meet mine.

"Fine. Two minutes. That's all you get," I say, stepping aside.

Pinetree walks to his father and hugs him.


I struggle to talk as Father speaks over my voice.

"When you get back to town-"

"I won't let you do this!"

"-don't believe what they say. It's full of lies."

"I won't let you stay here!"

"Father... Please."

His eyes fill with tears as we hug.

"What are they saying about you..." He asks softly.

I bite my bottom lip.

"I... It... Gideon raped me Father," I say, trembling.

"He WHAT?!

"Far too many times. And... And everyone in town believes I'm a wh*re now," I say, trying not to cry.

"When I find Gideon... He's going to get it-"

"Don't hurt him. I'll come back some day and tell Gideon to never touch me again... in front of everyone. I'll announce the truth," I say.

"Oh Mason..."

"Time's up," the creature says behind me.

I hug Father once more before he begins his ride back home.

The Beast tries to touch my shoulder with his arms, but I swat them away.

"You are not to touch me. I may be your prisoner, but I am NOT going to allow any tomfoolery," I say with poise.

I swear the Beast is smiling.

"Well, Pinetree. I'll let the others show you to your room."

The Beast disappears with a flash.

A candle, clock, tea cup, and duster hop next to me.

"Bill always has to do a flashy exit," the duster sighs.

I gasp.

"Y-You can talk?" I ask.

They nod.

"Yup! I'm Mabel," the candle says as she lights her wicks.

"I'm Ford," the clock says.

"I'm Candy," the tea cup smiles.

"And I'm Pacifica!" the duster grins.

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