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Hongjoong looked over at Yeosang, who was still sitting on the ground.

"you didnt" he stated, disbelief was clear in his voice.

"Of course not, I never wanted to see him again after what happened last time" Yeosang replied, squeezing his arms to his body. Seonghwa sighed and sunk down to sit on his knees. Slowly everyone followed suit and they sat in a vague circle, staring at each other and not knowing what to do.

"I can't believe he actually thought that I did it" Yeosang spoke softly, sadness apparent in his voice. Mingi hummed but didnt reply.

"I can't belive he cried. In the entire time he has been with us, he has never cried, not even when he broke his arm. He was freaking out. He was begging and honestly, it scared me" Seonghwa eventually broke the silence. A thick tension washed over them, memories of their strongest member falling apart apparent in their minds.

"He was terrified" Jongho spoke softly and everyone nodded.

"I dont think it was because of Seojun. It didnt seem like that kind of fear" Hongjoong spoke thoughtfully, clenching and unclenching his fists in thought.

"What could it have been then?" Hongjoong shook his head, shrugging. He had no idea what could have caused a reaction like that and honestly, he didnt think that he really wanted to know.

"Sannie?" Wooyoung knocked on the door, tears still rolling down his cheeks. Silence replied to his call and he frowned, eye brows furrowing.

"Sannie open?" He knocked again, resting his hand flat against the wood, listening for any sound on the other side.

"Please?" He sobbed, leaning his forehead against the cool wood. He sat there for a moment, listening and waiting for something, anything to tell him that San was okay. But that thing never came and he cried harder, feeling his body shake as sobs ripped through it. He had never cried this hard. He hated this. He hated crying. He hated being so weak. He hated not being able to say what he wanted. He hated himself. He hated everything.

"San!" He yelled, hoping that the louder volume let the other know that he was there. He reached up to open the door but stopped when he hear a noise. It sounded like a cry.

"Sannie?" He asked, hearing no reply. Wooyoung stood and opened the door slowly, peaking his head through the opening. He saw San sitting on the floor, leg stretched out in front of him. San barely moved when Wooyoung opened the door, glancing up with a frightened gaze.

"Out" he mumbled, cautiously watching the other. He tensed when Wooyoung walked closer.

"Sannie?" San didnt respond, only continued to stare blankly.

"Out!" San yelled when Wooyoung tried to walk closer again. Wooyoung stopped but didnt leave.

"San" the boy spoke with a firm voice, drawing the other's attention, "is okay" he continued, moving closer finally. He reached out to touch the other but San flinched back, causing him to stop and frown.

"Stop, go away" San mumbled weakly. Wooyoung continued to frown and San watched him think. Suddenly Wooyoung reached forward and grabbed San's shoulders, bringing their bodies together. San struggled but this time it was Wooyoung that refused to let go.

"San is okay" he kept repeating, copying San's movements that he remembered from his own break down. He ran his hand along his back and held on tight. San continued to fight until he just stopped, going lax in Wooyoung's hold, letting tears roll down his cheeks as he sobbed.

"San is okay" Wooyoung whispered thickly, his own tears making a reappearance. San continued to sob, breath stuttering. He screamed and cried and Wooyoung held him, not letting go. San wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's waist and squeezed, needing something solid to hold onto, something to ground him.

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