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San grinned at he stepped off the ship and onto the mainland. As much as he loved the pathfinder, the sea was really the last place that he wanted to be right now.

"Okay, so now what?" Yeosang asked as they all stepped off to join San. This was the first time he had spoken since the crew had begun to fight, or atleast the first time he had talked around San.

"Now, we go hunting" San turned to grin at him, a mixture of excitement and watered down rage running through his veins like gasoline waiting to be ignited. He giggled a bit when Yeosang looked over at him in surprise, he wasnt expecting San to talk to him.

"Okay, but where?" Yeosang quickly shook off the surprise and got back to the point. San thought for a moment, tapping his chin for show.

"Oh you know, bars, whore houses, places where trash like to gather" San shrugged a bit with a smile that was smaller than before. It was weird to hear San talk about Seojun with such confidence, no hint of trauma or fear evident in his voice.

"Alright, then I suggest we start at the nearest bar" Hongjoong stepped in, finally suggesting something.

"Sounds good but remember, when we find him, we wait and follow him out. This isnt something that the public needs to see" San stated darkly, the child-like gleam in his eyes fading a bit as his thoughts ran through his head. Scenarios that he was about to make a reality, he couldnt wait.

"We know San, you can count on us not to act stupid" Hongjoong reassured the younger. They already knew the plan, San having filled them in before they actually reached the land. San nodded and turned to start walking, headed to the nearest bar. He remembered this one from their stop a couple of months ago, it was next to the restaurant they had eaten at. When Wooyoung had just joined them and was still bound to silence.

San grit his teeth at the memory and shook his head. He couldnt afford to be having thoughts like that. It was in the past and if he ever wanted it to happen again, San had to block it all out, he had to forget. If only for a little bit, just long enough to do what needed to be done. And so he did, he ignored the aching in his chest, the pressure behind his eyes, the memories that insisted on popping back up. He ignored it all and let himself be consumed by anger and numbness once again.

They approached the bar in silence, a few of them talking in hushed voices about things that San didnt care to listen to. He was here for a reason and needed to to get done fast.

"We're here, you know the plan. Spread out" San ordered and they all walked in separate directions, spreading throughout the bar for a better view of the customers. At this moment San was more a captain than Hongjoong was, he knew what he wanted and how he wanted it done. Hongjoong wordlessly agreed to take a step back, taking orders for the time being and let San do as he pleased.

San sat himself in the corner of the room, a dimly light place where he could sit and not be noticed, face being hidden by the shadows. He sat and watched every single person in the building until a vaguely familiar face caught his eye. It was one of the men from the night Wooyoung was taken. San recognized him by the scar of the side of his neck, he was one of the ones that had held Wooyoung back. He was one of the men that had hurt him that night.

San felt himself began to shake slightly at the thoughts and took a deep breath, he needed to calm down and stick to his plan. He couldnt kill him yet.

San watched the man talk and laugh and drink for a little over an hour before he stumbled into a standing position, unsteadily heading towards the door. San stood and walked to the closest crew member, Mingi.

"I found one, hes drunk and headed towards the door. Get the others and meet me outside" San told him as he walked past, walking towards the door to follow the drunk man. The air outside was hot and San could feel the warm ocean breeze blow in from the water. He briefly looked up at the sky, admiring the clouds before looking to his right. The drunk man was still stumbling through the street, just barely farther than the end of the building. This would be easy.

"You found something?" A voice broke him from his thoughts and San looked over to see Hongjoong standing there with the rest behind him.

"Yeah, that drunk man there" San pointed towards the man that had fallen into a booth and was now trying to pick up some of the stuff, eventually he gave up and began to stumble forward again. Hongjoong hummed and grimaced a bit at the state of the man.

"How are you going to approach him?" He asked and San grinned.

"Just like this" San shrugged and began to walk forward, the crew following a bit farther behind him. He walked up beside the drunk man and slung an arm over his shoulders, startling him out of his drunk ramblings.

"Hes insane" Jongho scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. Seonghwa hummed in agreement, looking at San in mild concern. He just hoped that the younger knew when to stop. He hoped that he wouldnt lose himself to this again.

"Hi there" San grinned a the man, who just stared at him in confusion, "you may not know me but my name is San"

The man continued to look at him before speaking up, "what do-o ya want?" He slurred while giving San a look. San hummed in thought, tilting his head a bit.

"Hmm, you know, I dont really know. Do you know what I want?" He asked with a grin. The man gave him a look and tried to shake San's arm from his shoulders but San tightened his grip, grin slipping from his face.

"Now, you see, youre going to come with me into this nice, quiet alleyway and youre going to do something for me, okay?" San squeezed the man's shoulder and gave him a sinister grin, eyes darker than before.

"I'm not going to suck your dick, if thats what you want" the man looked at him in disgust and San laughed, a loud bone-chilling sound.

"Oh, youre going to wish thats all I wanted from you" San directed them towards the nearest alleyway and unwrapped his arm, shoving the man into it. The man stumbled and fell onto his hands and knees, looking at San as he approached.

"What do ya want asshole?" The man slurred again, an angry tone seeping into his voice.

"I need you to tell me something" San answered, crouching down in front of the man. He grabbed his chin and brought their faces closer together, running his eyes over the other's face. San didnt even try to hold back his disgust, lip curling up as he looked closer at the man.

"Why would I tell you anything?" The man sneered and San scrunched his nose at the strong smell of alcohol on his breath.

"Why?" San asked mockingly. He leaned down to whisper in the man's ear "because I have a gun and six other people to help me dismember you if you don't"

The man swallowed hard, looking around and just now realizing that there were people at the ends of the alleyway. San leaned back, directing a sinister grin towards him, squeezing his chin a bit harder than before, relishing in the pained noise of the man.

"Now, where is Choi Seojun?"

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