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San looked around as he walked through the broken door. The building was old, it had dust on the floors and cracks in the walls. The floor creaked when San walked forward and he stopped.

He turned around at looked back outside, the crew was still shooting. They were still okay. With the reassurance, San continued to walk forward, scrunching his nose at the smell of dust and fish in the air. It was horrid.

San clicked his tongue and turned a corner, looking behind him quickly before looking forward.

"Seojun, where are you brother? I just want to talk, come on why wont you talk to me?" San called in mock sadness. He laughed afterwards, the hollow sound echoing throughout the hallways. He heard footsteps approaching him and turned to the side, seeing Seojun running towards him.

San grunted when their bodies met, falling the ground with weight on top if him. He looked up to see Seojun's face and grinned at him.

"Wow brother, I knew you were freaky but this- this was unexpected" San cackled when Seojun clenched his teeth, face turning red from anger.

"Shut up!" Seojun yelled as he punched downwards. San shifted his head to the side, still laughing and watched as Seojun's fist connected with the floor with a pop.

"That sounded like it hurt, did it hurt Seojunnie?" San asked innocently and Seojun growled, reaching up to try and grab San's hair.

"Sorry, not this time" San pouted and drove the handle of his gun into Seojun's ribs, hearing him cry out at the impact. He quickly moved the hand and swung it upwards, connecting with the side of Seojun's face. The older fell off of him with thud, quickly sitting up to look at him.

San was already standing by the time he sat up, standing over him with that damned infuriating grin. He hated it.

"What's wrong? You look surprised" San looked down at him and Seojun spit blood on his boots, grinning in satisfaction.

"That wasnt very nice but don't worry, I'm not like you. I wont lash out and kill you quickly" San nodded his head in false reassurance, "but that doesnt mean you can ruin my shoes"

San swung a leg forward, his foot connecting with the side if Seojun's head and sending him back to the floor. Seojun looked up at the ceiling in a daze, vision going blurry and black for a moment.

"No, no, you cant pass out. The fun is just starting, I want you awake so you can fight" San crouched down to snap his fingers in front of Seojun's eyes, slapping the side of his face lightly to keep him awake.

"W-hat happened to you?" Seojun groaned in pain, wincing when San grabbed the side of his face. San leaned down to be face to face, noses touching as he stared down at Seojun for a moment.

"You happened to me brother. You tortured me and took everything i had" San whispered as he squeezed harder, "now I'm just repaying you"

Seojun stared up at him swallowed thickly. San was like him, he was just better at controlling it and that was terrifying. There was nothing more terrifying than a controlled killer, one that could hold urges and sit to watch you suffer for hours before killing you. If he even gave you that much mercy in the end.

"You haven't changed at all, youre just putting up a tough act but the moment it comes down to it, you'll shut down and cry again" Seojun grunted through a wince. San couldnt have changed that fast. But when he looked into his brother's eyes, Seojun doubted his words.

San chuckled and reached up to run his fingers through Seojun's hair, cooing at him mockingly, "are you going to prove that Seojunnie? Are you going to beat little Sannie until he cries?"

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