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"Alright San, you're free to go" San turned at the sound of Mingi's voice, seeing Mingi and Seonghwa reaching the top of the stairs. He was surprised that he hadnt seen them, maybe he was just a bad look out. That was probably why he was never seriously put on duty, he would've gotten them killed. He chuckled a bit at the thought, ignoring Mingi's strange look as he released the wheel and stepped back.

"How'd the talk with Joong go?" He asked, letting Mingi grab the wheel.

"Well, he didn't yell this time and we're going to land for a few days" Seonghwa answered, leaning against the rail at the edge of the platform.

"You're gonna fall one of these days Hwa" Mingi warned, sending a cautious look towards the other. Seonghwa just hummed and waved him off, turning back to San.

"Why're we going to land so soon?" San asked, leaning against the rail too. Mingi looked over at the pair and huffed, rolling his eyes. No one ever listened to him.

"Because theres a big storm coming in soon" San nodded and stood straight again.

"Well im gonna go if im done here" San said, pointing towards the stairs. Seonghwa nodded and San walked down the stairs, probably back to the bunk room to join Wooyoung again.

"I cant wait until we get to land" Mingi sighed.

"Why?" Seonghwa asked still leaning against the railing, casually running eyes up and down Mingi's figure.

"So that I can sleep in an actually in an actual room with no one else." Mingi answered, imagining it already, "also, will you stop that"

"Stop what?" Seonghwa asked, snapping his eyes to look at Mingi's face.

"That, stop it" Mingi shook his head, eyes focused on the water. Seonghwa grinned and leaned farther back on his hands.

"I dont know what you're talking about" he said with amusment clear in his voice.

"Whatever" Mingi sighed and Seonghwa chuckled, "besides we're almost there anyways"

"Already? That seemed to pass really fast" Seonghwa straightened himself, looking a bit surprised.

"Yeah, it did" Mingi replied, looking towards the horizon where he could faintly see the silhouette of land. The land became clearer as they approached, Mingi maneuvering them towards the docks.

"Can you go get Yeosang? He has to tie the ship" Mimhi asked and Seonghwa nodded, walking down the stairs to find Yeosang. He eventually found him talking to Hongjoong in the office, knocking gently before opening the door.

"Yeosang?" Seonghwa asked quietly and Yeosang looked at him from his seat in the chair.

"Yes?" Yeosang replied. Hongjoong looked up as well. He had papers scattered across his desk, it really was a mess.

"Mingi needs you tie the ship, we're almost to land" Yeosang nodded and stood. Seonghwa closed the door and waited for him to come out. Yeosang came out the door a few moments later and they began walking back towards the wheel deck.

"How was Joong? He was aggravated earlier" Seonghwa asked, turning to look at the side of Yeosang's face.

"He was very agravated when i came to visit him but he should be better now, not as stressed" Yeosang answered and Seonghwa nodded. They walked in silence the rest of the way, never really holding long conversations between themselves.

"Good, Yeosang's here, turns out you can do stuff after all Hwa" Mingi teased when the pair reached the top of the stairs.

"Shut up Mingi, I can do lots of things well. Is this about the Hongjoong thing earlier?" Seonghwa stated, hitting Mingi on the arm.

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