Chapter 3- Thank you...

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"You ready?" Clear asks, standing in the doorway of what I turned into my room in a matter of 3 hours.

Since the incident happened, I would spend most of my time at clears house. After spending almost a month together, she and her decision to move in together. Also, my parents wouldn't talk, neither would Tod, so I just felt depressed all the time, so might as well get out of the toxic house.

So now we were going to attend the memorial that they were hosting at our high school that we haven't been attending.

"Yeah," I say, pulling a small piece of hair behind my ear, "Um, yeah, yeah. Let's go." I said, gulping and grabbing my wallet and stuffing it under my arm.

Clear and I got into her car and drove to the high school that we haven't dared step a foot in for at least a  month.

Once we got there I sighed. It was more depressing than I thought. Me and clearly took a seat all the way in the back, just to be isolated, but still to have the presence of each other.

" 39 days have passed... since we lost 39 loved ones, friends and teachers.

As each day passes without a determining cause for the incident...

We ask our selfs "Why?"

Ecclesiastes tells us:

"Man no more knows his own time than fish taken in the fatal net... or birds trapped in the snare. Like these, children of men caught when the time falls suddenly upon them."

And so before we can heal... before we could escape the presence of death and time we must mourn and celebrate theirs with this memorial."

I sighed, I looked over at clear and she was staring at Alex. I nudged her and she looked at me.

"Something wrong?" She asked,

"Yea, it's that you're looking at someone who used to be so close to my family like he's a murderer," I say, she sighs.

"Kimb- I'm sorry, I just can't stop thinking about it." She said, I nodded,

"Me neither," I mumble, I felt a pair of eyes boring into my skull, and being myself, I looked up and made eye contact with the person who basically saved me.

I sighed, for what felt like the 100th time that morning, and I looked away.

I cleared my throat and stood up, flattening the black shirt I was wearing.

I looked back at clear and asked her with my eyes if she was coming, she shook her head no and, once again, I  sighed and continued with my walk down the left side of the rows.

I passed my parents, while I was along down the rows, Tod stood up and followed behind me.

I came up to where Alex was standing and stood by his right side.

"Hey, Kimberly," Alex said, looking me up and down, not in a sexual way though.

"Hey, Alex," I say, looking up at him. Right after those four words were said, Tod came and joined in, standing on Alex's left.

"Hey," Alex said, in the same manner, he said to me. I look down.

"Hey," Tod says back.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I really miss you guys. You know?" Alex said, looking down at me.

"Yeah, I miss you too." I and Tod say in unison. Alex was still looking at me, I was kinda getting uncomfortable under his stare. Thank God for Tod.

"But my dad, you know? He doesn't understand. Kimberly isn't even living with us anymore." He said, damn it, Tod. I swear, he tells him everything I don't want him to know. I mean I'm not ashamed of moving out and not talking to my parents since but I just want to keep it personal.

Alex looks over at me.

"Is that true?" He asks, I nod.

"Yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it," I say, a little too bitterly.

He nods and looks back up. I sigh, I don't know why I do that. It gets the best of me which sucks.

"Hey let's forget about her moving out. Look, when he gets over this thing, you, me, Kimberly, little road trip to the city. You know, catch the yanks." Tod says I chuckle a little,

"Yeah. Just like old times." I say, Alex just smiles and looks down.

"Ok, I'm gonna get back to clear, by Tod. See you later." I say, I get on my tiptoes and whisper in Alex's ear.

"Thank you," I whisper, and get back on my feet and leave back to Clear.


YES, I know, this is a short update. But, I have a bunch of things on my plate at the moment. I might update on Wednesday, so yea. Stay tuned for that I guess. I also want to say thank you for all the people reading this, love ya! Ok, I'm gonna go now, byeeeeeee!

Sincerely, Your weird ass author A.J (yes I'm a female)

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