Chapter 1- not going to Paris...

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"Wake up!" I hear somebody yell, shortly after I feel the wind get knocked out of me.

"Tod! You fatass bitch! Get off of me!" I said, in between coughs. Tod starts laughing, as he jumped off of me. "I told you I was gonna jump on you if you didn't wake up, we're going to Paris!" He yells, my breathing becomes even and I sigh.

"Get the fuck out tod, I honestly just wish I wasn't even going." I said, sitting up, "whatever baby sis." He said, backing out of my room with his hands up in surrender.

I get up and check the time, 4:00, that asshole. We're supposed to be there by before 9:00, the plane takes off at 9:25, I think.

I sigh and walk to the bathroom connected to my room, I take a quick shower and get dressed. (I feel like you guys want to know what she's wearing so I just put it on the top.)


After making sure I had everything I needed, I and my idiot brothers put our suitcases into the car. We said bye to mom and then dad drove to Alexis' house to pick up Alex and then drive us to the airport.

There we met up with the rest of the class, my brothers and Alex went to their friend groups and I went with clear. Clear was my only friend, we aren't like the other girls my brothers have crushes on, we were different. Clear and I dress, talk, eat, a lot more different than them. But we liked it that way.

"Alright, you guys got everything? Kimberly do you have your pills?" My dad asks, looking down at me slightly. I nod, "Yeah dad, we're all set." I say, one of our French teachers starts speaking, in French, "Does that mean to go?" My dad asks, sad hinted in his tone, "Don't know dad." Tod says.

"Look this is for both of you, alright? Kimberly here, this is for you and clear." My dad said, slipping two 100 dollar Bills into George's pocket and into my hand, "Thanks dad, love you." I said hugging him one last time, "Me too honey, have a great time guys. Alex." My dad calls out, "Yes?" He asks turning around to face my dad, "Take care of them, especially Kimberly, can't lose my only daughter." He says, I chuckle and walk into the airport, not being able to hear the rest.

The woman on the speaker started talking, nobody really understood because it was all in French. "What'd he say, clear?" I asked, looking into clears French book. Me and clear read aloud. (I know it wasn't a French book but let's pretend)

"The airport does not endorse solicitors."

I could feel eyes on us, but I couldn't give less a shit.

"Do you have another one of those books?" I ask, she chuckles, "Ah, yes, I
do, I brought one just for you." She said I laughed, "Thank you?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows yet not being able to contain the smile growing on my face.

"Your welcome." She smiles, I look up at her already smiling, she was also taller than me by a good two inches. "Hey, I'm going to go make sure my brothers aren't fighting over money, but meet you at the gate, ok?" I tell clear, she nods her head, "Here." I said, shoving a 100 dollar Bill into her palm.

"Thanks." She said, taking the money, she was basically family so my dad and mom would give her 10,000 dollars if she needed it. She was used to us just giving her money.


"Hey, dad said both, both of us, alright, man? Just give me some cash." Tod said, giving George a rough push, George turned around to push him but I stopped it. "Knock it off, assholes," I said they looked at each other before walking again.

I went to go get coffee to wake me up a bit more while waiting I turned around and saw Alex picking up clears book. I smiled at the thought of him and her together, that would actually be pretty cute.

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