Chapter 10- Pieces to a puzzle

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"Hi, I'm Lula! How can I help you today?" The cashier chirped. I smiled at her, before putting in the orders.

"Okay, that will be 9.78 ma'am. Can I have a name?" She asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, Um, Kimberly. Here ya go." I said, handing her a twenty.

"Keep the change." I said, winking at her. She smiled and opened her mouth to speak but I left before she could say anything. I sat in a seat close to the window, watching Clear and Alex.

Anger bubbled up in my stomach as I watched Clear laugh and blush at something Alex had said. I sighed before looking down.

I can't have feeling for someone. Especially if that person is a player. And absolutely not in this situation. Couldn't I just eat my feelings?


I jumped in my seat a little startled because of how loud she yelled. I walked up to the counter, mumbling a quick thank you before grabbing the three coffees and speed walking away.

"Okay, I have two black coffees for Alex and me. And one iced for Clear!" I said, passing Clear her iced one.

They thanked me and waited till I was sat down so they could finish their conversation.

Even then I didn't pay attention. I was to busy on the fact that people we're dying and it was because of us. Oh yeah, and I'm dying to. Really can't miss that now can you?

Any who, as they we're talking their voices went a little higher, scaring me a bit. Since I was stuck in my trance.

"Kimberly!" Clear yelled a little, snapping me way out of my trance. She slid me a piece of paper that seemed to brothers name on it.

"This is a message of something, Kimberly." Alex said, setting his gaze on me.

"Or someone. Hinting at a design."  I scoffed, letting go of the paper.

"Bullshit, browning." I said, clear nodded over at me, glimpsing at me.

"You can find death omens anywhere you want to." Clear started, holding up the brown coffee cup.

"Like, destruction, Starts with D ends with N. So what?  So does destination." I continued, waving my arms around, not really paying attention to Alex but my own words.

"Not only you- but us, we'll all together will go insane together with all this shit." Clear said, looking over at me.

"And theirs already two dead, why would we need 3 more crazies?" I finished, looking down at my cup as I swirled around my straw.

"At the morgue, the guy said that death has a design. Right?" Alex said, looking between Clear and I.

"I mean, he was also sticking random shit needles into my dead brother, but sure yeah. We'll trust him." I mumbled sarcastically, Alex just rolled his eye as he continued.

"So what if, you two, me, Todd, Carter, Terry, Billy, Mrs, Luton messed up the design? For whatever reason, we saw deaths plan." He started, stumbling over his words in the slightest way posible.

"That we cheated it. But-But what if it was our time? What if we weren't meant to get off that plane?" I looked over at Clear and shook my head just a little. This whole thing was unbelievable, but it still made sense. How come?

"What if it still is our time? If it is, then it's not finished and we will die now, not later." He said, looking over at me. This was the thoughts of an insane person. Yet, the pieces were starting to chip together. The omens, the way Todd died months after the plane went down. But can't we cheat it again?

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