Chapter 8- Explained

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"Shh, please." The man said, I put my hand on my chest, slowly getting back into my breathing rhythm.

"you'll wake the dead." he said, ever so calmly. He grabbed what looked to be a pair of tree trimmers, but for humans, off a table and came closer to our small group. Well he was getting closer to Tod but it seemed like he was closer yo us.

We all stayed quiet as we looked at the man in fear, Alex was the first of us to then speak up. "why'd his hand to that?" he asked.

"Chemicals in the vascular flush create cadaveric spasms." he said, not even batting an eye.

Clear and me stayed silent as Alex proceeded to talk to him. "Look, umm. I'm his friend and thi--" he was cut off by the odd man.

"I know who you are. " he said, looking at Alex, then me.

"what are all those tiny marks?" clear asked, I on the other hand was to caught up that we weren't in trouble yet.

"Cuticle laceration from pulling at the wire. " he said, that pulled me out of my trance.

"pulling at the wire?"I asked, the dark man hummed in response.

"If he was pulling at the wire... " Alex trailed off,

"Then he wasn't trying to kill himself. It was an accident. " I finished for him. I stared at Tod's lifeless body in shock but relief, we all knew he wasn't the type.

"In death, little girl, their are no accidents. No coincidences. No mishaps. And no escapes. "he said slowly. With every word we all took a step back.

"What we all have to realize is that we're all just a mouse that a cat has by the tail. " he said, I shivered slightly, knowing your going to die is scary.

"Every single move we make, from the mundane to the monumental, the red light that we stop at or run, the people we have sex with, or won't with us, the airplanes that we ride or walk out of." he said, we paused and looked at each other.

"It's all part of deaths sadistic design leading to the grave." he finished, my glance lingered on the man before turning to clear.

"design?" Alex asked, mostly to himself.

"Does that mean if you could figure out the design, you could cheat death?" He asked, I sighed. I was tired and not trying to put up with his Nonsense that every single gut I had was telling me to trust right now.

"Alex, you've already done that, walking off the plane. " he said, knowingly.

"your friends departure show's that death has a new design for all of you. " At this point I was internally freaking out.

"Now, you have to figure out how to and when it's coming back at you. Play your hunch alex, if you think you can get away with it. But remember the risk of cheating the plan... Of disrespecting the design could incite a fury even the grim reaper. And you don't even want to fuck with that Mack daddy. " he said, taking out some tool out of Tod's arm.

We all groaned in disgust at the sight of blood squirting out of his left shoulder. The man just laughed, as of it were funny. Psycho.

Alex clapped his hands together. "Okay then, we'll, yeah. I'm sorry we broke in and... " he trailed off.

"No harm, no foul. " he said, after that we basically ran out of there. Horrified, yet thankful...

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Hey, it's meeee! New chapter! How was it? I'm going to try to do weekly updates now soooo.... Yeah. If you actually read this ig this is good for you (: ALSO I FUCKING LOVE COME TO BRAZIL IT'S LIKE THE BEST SONG. Of you don't know who why don't we is well they just dropped a song call come to Brazil and it is amazing. There a mixing in general so go listen to them now!! OK byeee!!!

Sincerely, your weird ass author A. J (yes I'm a female)

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