chapter 7- Truth

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I jumped off the coffin with a thud and grunt. I could feel that rush that people got when they were doing something they weren't supposed to.

"Gives me a rush." Clear said, almost as if she was reading my mind.  She stood next to me, dusting her trousers off.

"Same here." I agreed, taking my surroundings in. Wow, to be honest this place was pretty nice for a place where they come to open upl dead bodies.

"This place?" Alex asked, clearly confused. He jumped off stealing a quick glance at me before looking around.

"Yeah, alex, this place. Where they keep dead bodies that could definitely not give you an infection and is most likely haunted. Definitely not scary at all." I said, making sure the sarcasam drips off my tone. Alex look a little shocked yet he was smirking.

I sighed, "Sorry, I get scary when I'm nervous. No, this place does not give us a rush, but doing something your not supposed to does." I said, looking over at him.

"Quit flirting and come on." Clear said, opening the tall, large door.

"We weren't fl-." I couldn't hear the rest alex had to say as I stepped out of the room with a small blush on my face. Talk about soundproof, am I right?

We took a couple of twist and turns before we found a room that had a big sight above it. It said 'MORGUE'

Me and clear walked slowly taming in the sights, just waiting for Alex to open the door.

"Walk faster, are you trying to get caught?" Alex said, noticing we were still walking.

I flipped him off before jogging up to the door leaving clear with her thoughts. Alex was smirked, before turning his attention back to the door.

"Kimberly, wait up!" Clear whisper yelled. I silently chuckled.

That ended when Alex got the door open. I walked behind him, my eyes became wide and a little teary almost instantly.

I wiped the tear thay flowed down my cheek before sniffling quietly, even though it sounded so loud.

Clear and Alex looked back at me with sympathy clearly in their eyes."Is that him?" I asked, trying to clear up the small sniffle. I looked behind them, trying to break the sad looks they were giving me.

"I think," Alex said, Turning back to Tods lifeless body. I walked up next to clear to get a better view but regreted it immediately.

"Why did they make him look like mj?" Clear asked, I got up a little closer a saw what she ment.

He had what appeared to me mascara and eyeliner? It was weird, no doubting that.

"Yeah, thats definitely him." I said, and got up a little closer.

"Yeah, thats definitely him. But whatever it was that made him Tod is definitely gone." Alex said, I looked at his death injury. (Idk what to call it)

I was going to say something but before I could, tods arm moved.

I let out a small shriek before jumping close to alex. I hid my face in his chest, and he put his arms around me but quickly let go when he and I noticed what was happening.

I blushed a bit but looked over at the voice of someone.


Its not much of a cliff hanger bc you all already know what happens so yeaaa. How was that? Updated twice today. I also have a q. When your watching a movie/show do you like find someone whos attractive and search them up? Nope, just me? Okay.

Your weird ass author A.J  (yes im a female) 💛💜

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