He Maid Me Realize I Like Him

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**Ariana's P.O.V.**

Just keep walking. Faster bitch. Don't let him catch up.

But of course he does and he grabs my hand and spins me around.

"Just tell me what's wrong Ari! Jeez, I'm just trying to help."

"Help? Huh. I didn't know you knew what that was," I snap.

Whatever you do, don't cry.

He looks really irritated at me but I could care less. He has no right to know why I'm hurting. Just so he can rub it in my face about how right he was.

"Ari, just tell me what's wrong," He pleads.

Don't look into his eyes. Don't look into his eyes.

But of course I do. And I can't help but get lost into his eyes. His beautiful green eyes. Pleading for me to tell him what's wrong.

No. Don't let him know. He'll just brag about how he was right. Whatever you do don't tell him.


"Why do you even care?" I snap.

He looks surprised by my outburst. So I just continue blurting stuff out.

"I'm not popular, not like you. I'm not filthy rich like you. I don't have your perfect life. So why do you care? Why do you care if something is bothering me? Or if I cry? Huh? You have no right to give a damn about me, not after you basically said the only reason a guy would like me is just for sex. That's how you view girls anyways so you have no right to pretend to look out for me!" I yell with so much anger I surprise myself.

He flinches from my words.

Good, maybe he will stop asking me so many questions.

"I-is this about Sean?" He questions hesitantly.

"I'm sure you'll be glad to hear this, but you were right about him. I caught him making out with some cheerleader in the middle of our date. Go ahead. Say you told me so," I sneer.

He looks at me with disbelief. Why isn't he saying it?

"Go on say it!" I yell.

He reaches for my hand but I snatch it away.

"Say it already!" I yell with tears rolling down my eyes.

The next thing I know I'm pressed up against his chest and he's stroking my hair gently.

"It's okay Ari, he never deserved you anyways," He whispers.

I wish I could stay like this forever. His strong arms wrapped around me. God, he smells so good. We stay like this for a couple minutes and I'm done crying. I hope I didn't cover his shirt with snot. Ew, I'm so unattractive when I cry.

"Look Ari about what I said..." Zack starts.

But I interrupt him.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I should've listened to you," I say in a dull tone.

I don't wanna talk about this. Not with him. I can't wait until my best friends get back this weekend. I look up at Zack and see that he's grinding his teeth together and he looks really angry. Ugh. I don't want all this back and forth between us where he gets mad at me for no reason. Better for him to just hate him. So that's why I say what I say next.

"Look, thanks for uh listening to me vent but that doesn't mean we're friends. I'm your family's maid and that's it. Don't pretend to care about me and I won't care about you not that I need to pretend. Got it?"

I see the hurt in his eyes and automatically feel bad. I'm just about to take my comment back when he speaks.

"Well then, you better get back to work," He replies in a cold tone before walking away.

What a jerk.

He's a jerk because you keep hurting him with your words.

No. It's not my fault. He's the one who's sweet one minute and a jerk the next.

A cute jerk.

Wait, what? Cute? Oh dear god, my mind is having crazy thoughts. I mean he's cute, but I would never like an egotistical jerk like him.

Besides you liked Sean and look where that got you.

That's right, Sean didn't like me what makes me think Zack does? He obviously doesn't.

I shake my head of these wild thoughts and get back to work. But I can't stop thinking of how it would feel to be in his arms again. To be near his intoxicating smell. To hear that deep sexy voice say my name. To feel his hands on my body. But most of all, I can't stop thinking about those irresistible lips that are always in his signature smirk. What it would feel like to have them on mine.

Oh dear god. I like Zack. The bad boy. The player. I like him. And that thought alone scares me.

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