Party Time

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**Zack's P.O.V.**

My girlfriend has become a crazed fangirl.

I shouldn't have let her know that I listen to One Direction. It's not my fault! My sister is always listening to them and being that I try to spend a lot of time with her, I've listened to a lot of their songs with her.

Ari has been gazing at me all day as if I'm Harry Styles, her favorite band member. I'm more of a Louis Tomlinson kind of guy. Not that I would tell her that, for fear of getting castrated.

I gulp as she's looking at me again with that same starstruck look on her face. I'm internally smiling at the obvious love and adoration in her eyes. It's just her fangirl side kind of scares me.

Now you're probably thinking why would a bad boy like me be afraid of fangirls? Simple, they're deadly. You don't mess with one. Ever.

Ari takes my hands and snuggles closer to me making me shiver slightly. I'll never get over the fact that she's finally mine.

I grab her hips and move her closer to me smiling when I feel her shiver. It just feels so good to finally be able to hold her this close to me. I could never get tired of it.

Everyone was talking about us in school today, as if seeing me with Ari is a huge deal. People date, get over it. Apparently there's a huge buzz because I'm taking her to that one party everybody has been looking forward to.

It'll be the first time I'll be bringing a girl to a party. Usually I just hook up with some random girl there. I've heard people have been betting on how long we'll last. Too bad nobody is betting on us being together forever, they would've made some decent amount of cash.

Ari isn't just one of those girls I just hook up with. Sure, those girls are nice to have a little fun with. But the kind of girls like Ari? Yeah, those are the ones you marry.

The kind that are genuine and honest, that make you feel all that sappy stuff on the inside making you weak at the knees, who don't judge you based on your past (and trust me there are a lot of things she could judge me for), who are so damn loyal to you it hurts, who just care so greatly about you and would give anything to see you happy.

That's Ari for me right there. I know we may be young, but trust me when I say I could totally see myself married to her in the future.

She just makes me undeniably happy in every possible way. I know I can count on her. She's so understanding, she didn't press me on details about Josh and I couldn't be more grateful. I don't want to go back into that hole I was in when he left.

So Ari and I are headed to the mall to get her something to wear for the party. It took a long time to convince her to let me pay, but she finally agreed. You're my girlfriend, let me spoil you.

We go into one of the stores and she tries on dress after dress while I give her my opinions. So far I've hated every single one of them. They're either too short or the front is too low where it shows too much cleavage. I want her to look hot don't get me wrong, just not enough to have every guy at the party drool over her.

As we're going into the next store, we run into Nick and Lexi. Nick just looks absolutely miserable, no doubt they've been here for hours. They tag along with us, which Nick looks grateful for.

The two of us stand outside the dressing rooms, while the two of them try on dresses. Lexi comes out first wearing a pretty hot, but not slutty dress. Nick gives her an approving stare and breathes a huge sigh of relief when she decides to buy it.

I chuckle, but immediately stop when he glares at me.

"Who's whipped now?" I smirk.

He just turns pink and flips me off, making me laugh again.

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