I haven't updated in a while sorry! I've been busy with exams. :3 Btw I changed the story cover as well as the title. The title seemed too long for me. :/ So this story will now be called Maid For Him. ;p
Anyways, like/comment/vote. Enjoy. <3
**Ariana's P.O.V. **
"Can I open my eyes now?"
"No, just a little while more."
The car soon comes to a stop and I hear Zack get out of the car. My door suddenly opens and he grabs my hand. He gently guides me towards wherever he is taking me.
"Wait right here."
I hear some muffled talking before he comes back to me. He grabs my hand and continues to guide me.
"You can open your eyes now."
I do and am met with his gorgeous smile. I look around and notice we are at an amusement park. How cliché, but cliché isn't bad.
"Do you like it?" He asks nervously, taking me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah I do," I smile at him.
We spend the whole day going on every single ride, with me screaming my head off. When I'm on the rides, I can't help but be scared. But I always go back and ride them.
I'm screaming so loud I wouldn't be surprised if Zack went deaf. But all Zack is doing is just laughing at me. After a while we sit on a bench with me finishing up my cotton candy while he's trying to hold in his laughter and utterly failing.
"Stop laughing at me," I whine.
But he continues to laugh at me.
"You're a terrible boyfriend," I pout.
That silences him immediately and he looks at me with pain as well as fear in his eyes.
"I was joking," I assure him with a nervous laugh.
He stays silent as I beat myself up on the inside for even saying it. But I was joking!
The awkward silence continues for a while before he finally breaks it, "Emily said the same thing to me."
"Who's Emily?"
He's never mentioned her before and I don't know any girl named Emily at our school.
"My ex."
I scoff, "Like that narrows anything down. You've got countless number of exes in this city as well as the neighboring ones."
He gives me a look.
He rolls his eyes, "I thought we were going to let the past go."
"But you're bringing up Emily. That's not letting the past go," I point out.
He gives me another look.
"Sorry, I'm a very logical person."
"Anyways, she said the same thing to me. Even though she cheated on me and got herself pregnant," he laughs bitterly.
"How does that make you a terrible boyfriend then?" I ask confused.
"That was her excuse for cheating on me. She said I didn't give her enough attention even though I was dealing with-" at that he stops talking and goes silent again.
"Dealing with what?"
But I can see the pain evident in his eyes. Maybe it's his dad? But it seems like it was also something else. It must have been something awful if he's still hurting. I'm curious as to what it is, but he'll tell me when he's ready to talk about it.

Maid For Him
RomanceAriana Jacobs and her mom are struggling to make ends meet everyday because of the death of her father, which is how she starts working as a maid for this rich family. As luck would have it, the family just happens to be Zack's. The school's richest...