He Maid Me Love Him Even More

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Vanessa is played by Zoey Deutch.

Thanks to those who have read my story. :) Please like/comment/vote, thanks! <3

**Ariana's P.O.V.**

"Are you sure?" Alec questions me for the fifth time.

"Yes I'm sure Alec, now just put it in my mouth."


But before he can, he's pushed away from me. By Zack. Of course.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yells.

"What does it look like?" Alec replies clearly angry.

I'm just standing there confused and a little pissed off as to why Zack is yelling.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snap.

"Stopping whatever was about to happen just now!"

"And just exactly what is it you're trying to stop?"

"Stop you from letting him put it in your mouth!"

I stand there confused until I get what he's referring to.

Ew. What. The. Hell.

Alec and I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

We continue to laugh for about five more minutes before finally calming down.

"You think that's what we were doing?"

At this, Zack looks around and notices the spilled pudding on the floor.


"Oh? That's all you have to say? You wasted pudding!"

I realize I'm yelling over spilled pudding, but still. Food should never be wasted!

Alec helps me clean up the spill while Zack just stands there like the idiot he is.

Before Alec leaves I grab him and kiss him deeply. I can literally feel the glare Zack is giving me, but I don't stop. I even moan a little.

Why are you using Alec like this?

I'm not using him! He's my boyfriend and girlfriends kiss their boyfriends. It's just a plus if their jealous, (kind of) ex is watching.

Alec leaves with a big sloppy grin on his face and that just makes me smile even more.

I look back over at Zack and he's standing there with the biggest glare I've ever seen him give me.

"Jeez, do you need to borrow a tampon?" I tease, trying to lighten the mood.

However all I receive is another glare in response.

Okay then...

I roll my eyes at his childish behavior and walk upstairs to start my chores.

My mom is finishing up the paperwork and will be the official owner of the diner soon and I couldn't be happier. Maybe then I can finally quit this job.

Don't get me wrong, they pay well and aren't even that snobby as I expected them to be. But I just don't like the idea of working for Zack, I don't want to let him get to me again.

As I'm getting to the top, I hear Zack following me up the stairs. I turn the corner and he's still following me.

I stop, he stops. I step to the right, he steps to the right. I turn around to glare at him only to see him standing there looking around, anywhere but at me, acting as if he's not following me.

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