**Zack's P.O.V.**
It's been three days since Ari broke up with me. Three days since she found out about the bet. Three days since I last smiled. It may have started out as a bet, but I actually fell for her. I didn't it because I didn't think she would even find out about it. I thought it wouldn't matter if the bet was still going on because I actually love her now. Why did she have to find out just when everything was going well? She wasn't even as mad when I told her about the kiss, but the bet ruined any chance I had of fixing things with her.
She's even been avoiding me at school no matter how many times I've tried to talk to her. In fact Lexi won't even let me get near her. Vanessa has even been avoiding me as well which makes me think Ari probably told her what happened. She won't talk to Luke as well, not that he's tried to talk to her. She's even been talking to another guy which is obviously pissing Luke off, but the idiot won't do anything about it.
But the thing that hurt me the most? Ari started talking to Sean. I would always see him with her and I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. It was like she was hanging out with him on purpose just to hurt me, but I couldn't blame her. I hurt her just as much. But I couldn't understand why she would hang out with him again. The only reason the bastard even apologized to her was because of me.
I didn't know if she was just hanging out with him to make me jealous or if she actually liked him. I like to make myself believe that it was because she wanted to make me jealous. At least I could accept that easier instead of the second option. I didn't know what else I could do. She wouldn't listen to me, talk to me, hell she wouldn't even look at me. How could I fix anything if she was going to be like this? But again, it's not like I could blame her.
So I went bigger trying to get her to forgive me. I put countless number of apology letters in her locker, I had flowers sent to her house daily, and I even got an airplane to write 'I'm sorry Ari, forgive me' in the sky. But she still didn't budge. What else could I do to prove to her that I actually love her? So I came up with a little surprise for her, but the problem was I needed someone to get her to come to the theater for this surprise. It wasn't a foolproof plan, but it was worth a try.
"Please just help me out-"
"No," Lexi interrupts, "You'll just hurt her again, she's better off without you."
Ouch, that stung really bad.
"Please Lexi, I love her," I plead.
She looks unsure, but I have to convince her to do this for me.
"Please, if this doesn't work I won't bother you or Ari ever again."
"Okay," she finally agrees.
I sigh as I tell her my plan to win my girl back. I hope this works...
I'm just waiting for Ari to come, so she can finally see her surprise and hopefully forgive me.So you're probably wondering what I'm doing right?
Well, I made a sort of 'movie' (basically like a five minute video) being all sappy for Ari and I'm going to show her, as well as everyone else who happens to be in the theater, publicly declaring my love and apologizing for all the stupid mistakes I made. Then after the video was over, I would come into the movie theater and she would decide whether or not she would forgive me. So I was patiently standing outside the door that led to one of the theater room waiting for the video to start playing. It started out with the trailers (which I've never understood why they play trailers for other movies when I specifically came to only watch one movie) before I heard myself speaking.
"So t-there's this girl that I really really like. Actually, I love her. She's in this theater today. Her name is Ariana Jacobs and she's my everything. I used to be hers, but then I totally fucked up. I tried apologizing and everything, but all my attempts failed. She's the most amazing girl that I've ever met. She's absolutely gorgeous, extremely kind, super smart, and just all around great. So I uh used to be somewhat of a player, okay I was a big player, but all that stopped when I got to know her. She means the world to me, but I did something really dumb. I made a stupid bet with one of my friends that I could get her to fall in love with me in under a month. I did, but she found out about the bet and now I lost her. I lost her because I didn't want to back out of a stupid bet. I should've backed out the second I started falling for her, but my pride wouldn't let me. She didn't deserve that, she deserves so much better then me, but I'm selfish and I want her for myself. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. She's the first girl I've been serious about since my last serious relationship two years ago and I don't want to lose her. I haven't ever felt this way about a girl before. She makes my heart race whenever I'm near her and actually gets me nervous, I don't care if that makes me sound 'whipped' because I am. I am whipped for her, I love her so much and I don't want to lose her. So I thought that if I apologized to her publicly she would see how serious I am about this. I'm so so sorry Ari, please forgive me. I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I promise. So I'm standing outside the door to this theater right now, and I'm going to come in and ask you again face to face. So I hope you forgive me."
I open the door and find everyone staring intently at me. Some girls shriek saying, "This is so cute!", while another girl actually smacks her boyfriend upside the head saying, "Why can't you be this sweet?"
I make my way down the aisle coming to a stop at Ari's aisle and find her sitting next to Lexi, Tori, and Vanessa.
I clear my throat nervously, "D-do you-"
I don't even get my sentence out before she slaps me. I look at her with wide eyes, feeling extremely embarrassed that she slapped me in front of everyone.
"S-sorry I'll just leave-"
She slaps me again.
"Sorry, I wanted to do that again," she says with a smirk, "I forgive you, but I'm still holding you on the promise that you'll spend forever making it up to me."
That's when I grab her face and pull her in for a kiss and everyone begins to applaud, some girls even cheering loudly. I've gone three days without kissing her and let me tell you it was absolute torture. I hope I never suffer that long again.
So we watched whatever movie was playing, but I was too busy just staring at Ari happily. The movie couldn't have possibly been as interesting as her. She was so captivating and I couldn't stop looking at her. Maybe it was because I was extremely whipped or maybe it was because Lexi wouldn't let me get this close to her for the past three days, but whatever it was I couldn't take my eyes off her. Which was kind of hard when you were trying to drive her back home.
"Zack, stop looking at me like that and pay attention to the road," she scolds for what was possibly the millionth time.
"Blame yourself for why I can't take my eyes off you," I say sticking my tongue out at her.
She blushes and looks out the window not bothering to reply.
I chuckled and actually decided to pay attention to the road again even though it wasn't as beautiful as Ari. We were heading back to my house, but if I knew what was waiting for me at my house I would've definitely decided to go back to Ari's instead of mine.
Because as I stepped through the door with Ari, there stood my mother with a worried look on her face, but that's not what caught my attention. What caught my attention was the man sitting on the couch who stood up smiling as he saw me.
"Long time no see brother," he said grinning.
Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to update earlier than I intended. Next chapter will be longer! Thanks to everyone who's reading. :)

Maid For Him
عاطفيةAriana Jacobs and her mom are struggling to make ends meet everyday because of the death of her father, which is how she starts working as a maid for this rich family. As luck would have it, the family just happens to be Zack's. The school's richest...