Playing Cupid

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**Ariana's P.O.V.**

I stare at the man in shock. So this was Zack's big brother? They look really similar except for the fact that his hair is brown while Zack's is blonde. I look over at Zack's reaction to see the still shocked expression on his face. His eyes were wide with surprise. But then he started to tremble, his body started to shake uncontrollably and I automatically moved towards him along with his mom. His brother came closer as well, but for some reason Zack flinches away from him making his brother stop with a look of confusion and hurt on his face.

"Zack, are you okay?" I ask.

He's still shaking a little, but he seems to have calmed down.

"I-is that Josh?"

"Yes honey, your brother finally came back," his mom says with nothing but pure happiness in her eyes.

"Mom! I need you to drive me to-" Payton begins, but stops as she sees a shaking Zack, "What's going on?"


She looks over at Josh her eyes widening before they start tearing up. She runs down the rest of the stairs and forcefully hugs him as she starts crying loudly.

I can't help the warmth in my heart at seeing this family that's been through so much finally being reunited with their loved one that's been missing for three years. Zack finally seems to understand that this is real and that Joshua is actually here because he stops trembling and slowly goes over to hug his brother. It seems like he thinks his brother will just disappear any second which is understandable being that he was probably the closest to him and took it the hardest when Josh left.

"I'll call you later," I tell Zack planning on leaving to let their family catch up.

"No, wait! I want my brother to meet you," he says quickly walking over to grab my hand and bring me over to Josh.

"Uh hey," I greet awkwardly, "I'm-"

"-the one," Zack finishes for me grinning at his brother.

"But I go by Ari," I say feeling a little embarrassed that he introduced me as 'the one'.

"So you finally found her? I'm proud of you bro," Josh says giving Zack a fist bump.

Zack just looks so happy and I would give anything to see him like this everyday. I'm glad that I got to see him like this today. First we just made up a little while ago and now his brother came back home.

"So where's dad?" Josh asks, killing my vibe immediately.

"H-he left," Zack says nervously.

I know him well enough to know that he's still blaming his father's absence on himself. Personally I'm glad that bastard left, putting an end to Zack's misery, but Zack still thinks that he ruined his family.

"Left?" Josh asks confused, "What do you mean?"

"Your father was abusing Zack, so I kicked him out. We're getting a divorce," his mother interrupts Zack's attempts at speaking.

Josh's eyes immediately darken with what I'm assuming is anger, "That bastard did that? He's the reason why I left," he snaps.

To be honest, I'm not even surprised. In fact on the inside I'm doing a little happy dance because Zack was right.

"What did he do to make you leave?" Zack asks curiously, but I can see the obvious anger in his eyes.

"I'll call you later," I whisper to Zack.

He nods and whispers a quick 'I love you' before I text Lexi to come get me leaving them to talk everything out.


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