Chapter Two

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‘Frank! Come on wake up! You need to get to the airport or else we’ll miss your flight’ my mom shouts at me from downstairs. I groan and get out of bed throwing on the black skinny jeans, the plain black top and the Misfits hoodie on my mom had put of for me. I quickly sort out my hair in the bathroom and splash my face with some water to wake me up.

I go down to the kitchen and grab some toast and coffee my mom prepared for me. We sit in silence eating. I don’t want to say goodbye to her, it’ll be hard.

-Skip to airport-

‘Okay so you have your passport and boarding pass?’ my mom asks worrying too much. ‘Yes, I have everything, I’ll be fine mom!’


My mom pulls me in for a tight hug and kisses my cheek just before a tear falls down it. ‘Call me when you land Frankie, Donna will there to pick you up, have fun, I’ll miss you!’ after giving me a final hug I wave goodbye and walk to get on the flight.

(A/N i'm skipping loads at the moment because it is unimportant and boring)

I got woke up to an Air Hostess asking me if I wanted the vegetarian or meat breakfast. ‘Vegetarian, please, thank you’ I reply to her rubbing my eyes. I looked at what I got: some weird juice, some pudding that doesn’t look very nice, a bread roll and a strawberry yogurt. I hate aeroplane food its always disgusting. I play safe and have the strawberry yogurt. After that I picked at the bread roll until someone walked back to collect my rubbish. I hate planes, they always make me feel sick and I hate it. It’s always so cramped and uncomfortable. After the breakfast is taken away from me I stand up and get my small bag out of my bag pack I took on the plane. This small bag held, a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, a brush and eyeliner. I headed to the bathroom. There was a queue so I took out my iPod and put on some music. Looking at the time I realised there was only half an hour left of the flight. I got into the toilet and washed my face and brushed my hair out. I brushed my teeth then applied some eyeliner making sure I looked good enough. I exited and sat back down. I listened to my iPod for 10 minutes until I got told to put it always for landing. I waited patiently for it to land. I want to see Gerard again but i’m also scared. He’s become one of these players who has a different girl every week, seeing him with a girl will hurt and I bet he fucks them too. He’s become different I hope I can get the old him back again. I get knocked out of my thoughts by the plane lowering. I love the landing, its always fun. I smile as it lands and waits for it to get to the main airport excitement buzzing through me. Seeing Mikey and Donna will be great, I was so close with both of them. I rush off the plane following the signs to get luggage. I finally get my big suitcase and exit the room. (I don’t know what it’s called where the people wait for you but he goes into that place) I see Donna waiting for me, she’s alone, I was kind of hoping Gerard would be there but she came alone. Anyway a smile lights up my face seeing her, I jog over to her pulling my suitcase along at the same time.

‘Frankie! Oh my god you’ve grown so much! I’ve missed you! We all have, how have you been?’ she pulls me into a hug and it takes me a while to realise she’s asked me a question I smile and answer ‘I’ve been great thanks, how have you all been?’ ‘We’ve been great; Gerard’s turned a little…lets sad odd. But his old self is still there sometimes!’ I smile and nod back, ‘come on lets get you back home, you must be exhausted after that long flight!’ she says pulling my suitcase from me and heading towards the car park, I follow her and we get in the car and head back. I watch out the window, everything looks so different but somewhat the same. ‘Is it weird being back?’ she asks breaking the silence that was forming. ‘Yeah, it’s strange, I remember everything but it looks different too.’ Donna starts talking to me about what buildings and shops have been knocked down or changed to something else. Before I know it were at their house. I see my house next door has been knocked down and formed an entry to the park behind. I sigh remembering my happy life back here, Mikey soon runs out the house shouting ‘FRAAAANKIEEEEEE!!!’ I reply, ‘MIIIKEEEYYYYYYY!!!’ I quickly open the car door and run up to him and give him a hug. ‘God, Mikes it’s been so long since i've seen you! How are you?! Got a girlfriend?’ I add on the end giving him a wink. ‘I know! And things are good, apart from Gee's daily strops its good! And yeah I do, her names Alicia’ he says blushing. ‘Aww that’s so cute! Mikey and Alicia!’ he laughs then Donald comes out. ‘Frank! My man! You’ve grown so much!’ ‘Haha, yeah that tends to happen, how are you?’ I ask and me and Donald start catching up for a bit then Gerard comes down. ‘The vampire awakens…’ Mikey jokes. I just stare at Gerard; he has messy black hair that falls over his beautiful hazel eyes. He looks exactly the same just older. He is beautiful. He stares back at me and we both stand there for a few minutes staring at each other before Gerard speaks, ‘F-frank, I-is that you? Why are you here?’ his voice is filled with worry and shock, he is exactly the same as he used to be. ‘Why is he here? You don’t listen to anything I say do you, gosh Gerard. Frank is staying with us for a year while his mom works travelling. I told you many times’ Donna states in a half angry voice. Gerard looks like he is knocked back to reality and his face changed ‘oh yeah’ he coughs and carries on ‘Hey Frank, I just came down to see what the big fuss is but now I see, I’ll be up in my room, oh and Taylor will be round in five minutes’ he says directing the last bit to his mom, walking away. Donna chases after him yelling at him saying that he cant just bring his girlfriend round at a time like this.

Mikey turns to me and helps me bring my suitcase in and take it too my room. We stayed in my room talking for a bit before hearing Gerard’s door slam and him sigh loudly. I stop talking and just break out crying; Mikey suddenly see’s me crying and comes up to me half hugging me asking what’s wrong. I looked up to him and swallowed. ‘If you tell anyone I will kill you. I have never told anyone. But since I was little I have been…in, *cough* lovewithyourbrothergerard.’ I look into his eyes and he nods and smiles. ‘I know Frankie’


A/N hope you like it! I'VE STARTED A FRERARD STORY YAAY! anyway i have no idea if this is really long or not, ive done two pages on word, 12 font ;o anywayyy tell me what you think!:D i love frerard;3

Song: Fall - Ed Sheerannn! i love Ed :') 

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