Chapter Five

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Lucie had to go I ended up in the kitchen making more coffee, I really am addicted to this drink; but by the looks of it, so are the rest of the Way Family. I sit on the table drinking my coffee and Donna comes in. ‘Frank, sweetie, can I talk to you?’ I look up to her looking worriedly at me. I stand up next to her. ‘Yeah sure, what’s up?’ she looks a bit scared but starts.

‘I’m going to ask you a question and I don’t want you to get mad at me or anything. Ever since you were younger me and your mom have always thought something. But today I have gotten confused. So Frankie dear’ she puts a hand on my shoulder. ‘Are you gay sweetie?’ I start shaking. ‘iii have a gggirlfriend’ I say biting back my tears. ‘yes I know dear, but are you sure that isn’t a cover up?’ the tears are too strong and I just let them start flowing out of my eyes. I feel like a little baby. She wraps me in a warm hug, rubbing my back and saying small soothing things.

‘Frankie, does anyone else know?’ I look up to her with my big red eyes from crying. ‘Mikey. Mikey does’ I say and I let out a deep breath knowing she’s not going to judge me. ‘I’m going to go to my room now, I’ll be down in a bit’ she gives me a sweet smile and I turn around and who’s there in the doorway? Yes its fucking Gerard. ‘I-I was just’ he says then turns around and runs upstairs. I storm upstairs after him, furiously knocking on his door. He opens it and I push past him into the room shutting the door.

‘How much did you hear?’

‘Nothing, I had only just come down’

‘Bullshit. Tell me how much you heard otherwise I will beat it out of you’

‘I heard it all…’

‘now, Gerard. You better not tell anyone. If you tell a single soul you will regret it. Before yesterday no one knew. Now you know, Mikey knows and your mom knows. I never wanted anyone to know. So we are just going to leave it how it is now okay?’

‘okay, I swear I wont tell anyone Frank. I promise. I broke up with my girlfriend By the way.’

‘okay good. I’m sorry for shouting at you its just a bit hard to deal with everything. And how come?’

‘I understand, I really do. And I don’t really want to say’

‘come on Gerard, its me, we haven’t really spoke much since I got here but you’re still one of my best friends.’ Yes now I’m being nice to him, but he has just broken up with his girlfriend, I’ve scared him by shouting at him and I want to know why they broke up.

‘okay, I’ll tell you, its just, um, I don’t know how to put this, I kind of, love you? I don’t know I’m stupid. I’ve always known inside I’ve just never accepted it but yeah’

‘fuck, Gerard, really?’



I scramble out the room still half in shock, I wasn’t expecting that to happen. I don’t really know what I was expecting to happen just not that. What do I do, do I tell him I love him too? We all sat down at the dinner table, for the most awkward dinner of my life. Me and Gerard kept looking at each other. I tried giving him a smile before looking away myself. We were both nearly crying, it killed me to see him hurt. It looked like Gerard was the same as me though, when getting upset comfort eating. He scoffed down his pizza and so didI.afterwards Donna had made us an apple pie and we had apple pie and custard. Afterward Mikey nudged me and whispered ‘you okay?’ I shook my head. ‘he knows about me being gay and he told me he liked me. What the fuck do I do?’ I whispered to Mikey but maybe a bit too loudly because Gerard heard and shouted. ‘Oh yeah! Just talk to Mikey about it don’t care about my feelings, don’t care about me not wanting people to know but you’ll kill me if I tell anyone about you! thanks a lot Frank. How about next time talk to me instead of Mikey, don’t you care about my feelings? Yeah guess you don’t since you’ve been moody with me and not talking to me since you got here. I’m your fucking best friend, well was. I don’t want a bloody thing to do with you now. You’ve changed. Fuck you. fuck all of you. fucking so called family never let me be happy always about fucking you isn’t it? Don’t even try talking to me.’ By the end of this I was crying Mikey and Donna were just in shock. ‘Gerard!’ I shout and start running after him. ‘I said leave me the fuck alone!’ he ran in his room and locked his door. ‘Gerard I’ll stay here fucking knocking all night if you don’t let me in’ I heard him mumble from inside his door but I couldn’t hear it so I forgot about it I just knocked at his door over and over again. He put music on but I still carried on knocking. After the CD ended I was still knocking. I heard his door unlock and he opened it. ‘what do you want frank?’ he asked, voice strained. He eyes were red and bloodshot, his face was bright pink, and his hair was messed up and greasy. Yet he still looked perfect. I didn’t even hesitate, I grabbed his head and pressed my lips to his violently kissing him. I pushed him into his room and closed the door. He started kissing back and I let my hands drop to around his neck while his were on my waist pulling me closer. My tongue grazed his lips asking for entry and he accepted. We moved onto his bed, me on top of him. The kiss was wet from our tears but it was still everything I had ever wished for. I knew for certain then that I loved him.

I finally pulled away and lay my head on his chest catching my breath. I lifted my head up and stared into his amazing hazel eyes

‘Gerard, I love you, I only asked Mikey because I was scared, I didn’t want to mess everything up, but I ended up doing that anyway. I do care about your feelings Gee, I care about you more than I care about dogs! It kills me seeing you’re upset, please forgive me’ he smiles,

‘Of course, I forgive you Frankie, I’m sorry too, I was just hurt and upset and mad. I cant control myself sometimes’ he lightly grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me in to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss, this one wasn’t as rough, it was slow and sweet and the same amount of amazingness. I pull out and roll off his chest to the side of him. I smile at him, a real smile, god knows how long its been since one of them came.


‘Yes Frankie?

‘Will you be my boyfriend?’

‘Yeesssss!!’ he shouts giving me a big hug, I laugh and bury my head into his chest. I feel so safe in his arms. He lays his head on my head and we eventually fall asleep in each others arms.


A/N finished this chapterr:D i like this one it made me sad writing it though :( aanyway comment if you liked it, if you read it thank youu!:D and i dont know how often i will be updating since i go back to school tomorrow, i might upload later tonight, you never know ;D hope you liked it byee;3 

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