Chapter Four

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I wake up the next morning, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I look over at the clock which says6am. Damn, I need to get used to this time zone. I attempted to go back to sleep but I failed. Hearing some noise downstairs I quietly get up and walk downstairs to see Donald eating breakfast.

‘Hey frank, you alright? I’m just getting ready to go to work’ he greets me as I sit down at the table next to him. ‘Yeah I am I just woke up and can’t get back to sleep, jet lag.’ I explain. ‘Ahh, I see. Anyway I’ve got to get going, I’ll see you later’ he says putting his dirty dishes in the sink and walking out the kitchen and out the house. About a minute later I hear his car start up and drive off. After a few minutes of sitting there in silence I make myself some coffee and sit down in front of the TV putting on Spongebob. This time in the morning all there is on the TV is children’s shows and I suppose Spongebob is the best out of them.

About an hour later Donna wakes up and starts cleaning the house. I wait another 2 hours till Mikey wakes up and joins me in front of the TV. By that time I had switched to watching the music videos on Kerrang! (I don’t know if that channel still exists but it used to:3)

‘So Mikey, what you doing today?’ I ask him when an advert comes on. ‘I’m going over to Alicia’s in a bit’ I nod sending the signal I had heard him. ‘Gerard’s girlfriend is coming over, they’ll probably want the TV’ he adds a few seconds later. ‘And? Why should I care what he does?’ I say snapping at him. Realising I sounded harsh I add, ‘I don’t mean it in a harsh way to you, I love you mikes, bestieeee!’ I saw sticking my tongue out and going to ruffle up his hair but he beats me too it and messes up mine. I pout at him and he just smiles standing up, ‘God I’ve missed your little bundle on energy around here, anyway I’m going to get ready see you in a bit’ ‘alright’ I say turning my head back to the TV. This shit really is boring. A fan video for Bite My Tongue comes on and when the bridge comes on I start screaming along since Donna was now outside gardening.










The TV then carries on ‘you keep me on the edge of my seat, I bite my tongue-‘

‘Woah, Frank, just woah that was amazing, I never knew you could scream like that’ I stand up to see Gerard standing there in joggers and black t-shirt. He looks so perfect in anything. I quickly remember my plan. ‘Yeah well Gerard, there’s a lot of things you don’t fucking know about me. And I don’t plan in telling you them. Goodbye.’ I say harshly pushing past him. ‘What the fuck? Frank?!’ ‘Piss off back to your girlfriend’ shit. I shouldn’t have said that. I run up the stairs into my room and close my door sliding along and sitting with my back to it. I’m such an idiot. I hate being mean to him, I want to make him happy not sad but I’m not in a place to make him happy. I shouldn’t have said about his girlfriend I bet he knows now. I get changed into black skinnies and a plain black hoodie. I put my iPod in my pockets and grab $10 just in case. I run downstairs heading out to the back garden I tell Donna I’m going for a walk then walk back through the house. I stop outside the lounge to hear giggling, she was here. I looked in, she was trying to kiss him but Gerard was pushing her off. He looked annoyed; whatever I don’t really know him to tell; she was laughing so he was probably just acting.

I walk outside slamming the door behind me and the fresh air hits my face. I start walking to the old park I used to go to, I wonder if it’s still even here. After five minutes of walking I’m there. It looks the same but, the swings are rusty, and the benches have moss growing on them. It hasn’t been kept looked after. I head over to the swings and get on pushing myself off the ground. I’ve always loved the swings. I just feel so free when I’m on them, it’s like I’m flying, and it’s so relaxing. I saw some whores come in and sit on one of the rotten benches, weirdly not caring about how dirty it is. They look over to me on the swings and giggle. I roll my eyes and one of them starts walking over to me. Oh fuck, this will be fun! Insert sarcasm..‘Hey cutie’ one says to me, I roll my eyes and say a ‘hey’ back. She has big blonde hair and an orange face with bright pink lips. ‘How’d you like to come hang with me and my friends?’ she says in an annoying high pitched voice. I look over to them watching me. ‘No thanks, I’d rather stay here, not really my type of people’ I say, trying not to be harsh, I remember what people here can do. ‘What’s your name? I’m Lucie’ I smile politely and say ‘Frank’. ‘So, frank can I ask you a question?’ ‘Sure?’ ‘Will you be my boyfriend?’ I nearly say no but then I think it through. Seeing Gerard with his girlfriend(s) makes me jealous. Maybe if he actually likes me I can make him jealous. Show him that I can play at his game too. Project: Make Gerard Jealous And Realise He Is In Love With Me. This will work. A smile creeps up to my face. ‘Yes’ she squeals and hugs me. I laugh and ask, ‘want to come back to my house now? Get to know each other, it’s a bit creepy around here’ I say planning out everything in my head. ‘Sure! Let me just tell my friends!’ she jogs off telling her friends then comes back smiling. She may look like a whore but she seems nice.

I walk her to the house making small talk on the way. We enter and I bring her into the garden where Donna is sitting drinking some Tea. ‘Hey Donna, this is my girlfriend Lucie’ I say forcing a big smile. She looks confused but hides it and says ‘it’s nice to meet you! Will you be staying for dinner?’ she asks, ‘no, sorry I have to get home soon.’ Donna nods, gives her a hug and goes back to sit down. I walk into the house and see they’re still in the lounge, perfect. ‘Let’s watch some TV’ I say just before opening the door. I walk in and see Gerard and his girlfriend making out on the sofa. I cough and make them realise I’m here. Gerard looks up with a look of guilt on his face but then smiles at me. I ignore his smile. ‘Didn’t know you two were still in here, anyway, this is my girlfriend Lucie, were watching TV, either get out or watch it with us. ‘Y-y-you have a girlfriend?’ Gerard splutters out. ‘Yes Gerard I do, big whoop. Now are you staying or going?’ I say glaring at him, he better not smile again his smile just melts me. ‘We’ll stay’ he mutters. I sit down on the other sofa with Lucie. I pretend to be all lovey with her. Gerard keeps on sneaking glances at us. It’s working. I smile to myself. I lean over and start kissing Lucie. She giggles and kisses me back. We finish kissing and I look over at Gerard smirking. He has a shocked look on his face. ‘Come on babe, we need to talk’ Gerard says to his girlfriend and dragging her out. I turn back to Lucie and smile she goes to kiss me but I act like I didn’t see and turn to watch TV.


A/N sooo did you like it?:D i keep on talking about you me at six songs:3 but its just cause i always either listen to mcr or ymas and i cant really put mcr songs in it since they arent even a band in my story yet. but hope you like it:) and im going to write the next chapter now and lots of things will happen, i hope anyway :p not sure if this was just boring or not so hope you like it byee!:)

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