The 77th annual Hunger Games

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Chapter 1

"Zo-E!Hurry up!" May whined  separating the Zo from the E. "I'm coming!" I call from the bathroom. This hair won't stay brushed! I open the door. "We are going to be late!" May says pulling me into her car. "ANNNNNDDDD?" I asked rolling my eyes. She shakes her head. "We are juniors this year which means, more homework, more responsibility..." May says. "More parties..." I continued, High School parties were the bomb. May sighs "I give up on you Zoe" I smile. "This isn't just grades. It's Social standards! We have to get on the cheerleading squad, become popular. Have more people than our teachers know our name, we only have two more years to make a mark on this school" I explain to her. May shakes her head once again and I giggle. She laughs too, we pull into the parking lot. I push my sunglasses up on my head and venture out of her car. Jake Dulo the doucheiest of the douche bags was making out with some girl on the fence that separated the school grounds from the parking lot, freshman scampered around avoiding the eyes of the giant seniors, the guys that thought they were cool were all huddled in a group and had their arms wrapped around a few girls and the girls that thought they were all that were standing in a circle and chatting. "Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Redwood High school" I muttered to May "let the 77th annual Hunger Games begin"

"Come on May" I say pulling her into the school. She scampers behind me like a lost puppy. I roll my eyes, and lead her to the office. "Zoe Brooks" I say the secretary she hands me a schedule. "May... Jerelfield" May squeaks and she is handed her schedule.

Locker 467

May frowns "I have locker 12" I pull her cheeks upwards so it's an awkward smile. "Don't be sad May-may" I say she shoves my shoulder a bit and we walk to our lockers. I open it with my combo 3 26 12. The locker like every other is small blue and had gum on the handle. I shove my bag inside and grab my pencil case. High- ho off to English class we go.

I look at the clock willing it to go faster. "The sentence is not complex, this one goes..." the teacher drawls on about nothing I really care about. While I watch the minutes tick. May nudges me with her foot. "Hey! You have to get the notes" she says. I nod but look back at the clock. "Ms.Brooks! I am up here not hanging above the door" Mr. Bratem says.

The bell eventually rings and I grab May. "Notice that his name has the word brat in it?" I ask irritated. "Yes. I can spell" she says. "I have history what do you have?" May asks me "gym" I respond bluntly. "Bye Zoe" she yells I blow a kiss. "Love you honey" she smiles and goes to her next class leaving me to change into my gym clothes.

I emerge from the change rooms into the field, a smile on my face. I loved gym. "Okay 3 laps let's go!" Coach James yelled, he wasn't wasting any time.  I completed the first two, the only person in front of me is Jake. My stomach turns even thinking his name. He is the Varsity football teams Quarterback. He is pretty good, but his ego is bigger then him himself and Jake was tall. He walks around like he owns this school. Most girls fall in his presence. Including May. But definitely not me. He chopped off my long hair in kindergarten so I stabbed him with a pair of scissors and he still has the scar to this day. I speed up to catch up to him. "Brookes" Jake snorts "Dulo" I snarl. "Your gonna have to be better than that to beat me" he says. "Aww Jake does your hand hurt?" I laughed sarcastically looking at the white line that ran across his hand. "Your hairs getting a bit long Brookes, maybe I could help you out a bit" he did the scissors motion with his hands. Before I know it he crosses the line for the last time, he beat me. "Beat you Brookes" he teased "I'll let you feel accomplished even though you know I can beat you at anything else" he snorts "ha in your dreams Brookes" "Dulo your not in my dreams. Unless it's a nightmare"

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