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The doorbell rang. "Mooooommmm can you get it!" I yell my mouth full of ice cream. I was watching The Fault In Our Stars for the 5th time this week. Shoot she was working late. I run to the door and opened it the ice cream tub in my hands. "Hey Brooke's".
"What do you want?"
"Can I not see my girlfriend?" he asks raising his eyebrows. "Why are you dressed all fancy?" I ask shoving more ice cream in my mouth "because I'm taking you out in a date" he says. "Crap I forgot sorry" I started to close the door but he caught it. "Go get changed I knew you'd forget so I came early" he says raising an eyebrow. "You really are a pain in the butt. Wait out here" I say slamming the door in his face. I looked through my closet and grabbed something. I was undoing my belt when something hit my window. A rock, "Hey" Jake yelled "just be glad I decided to tell you your window was open"

The car ride was awkward. I turned on my favourite song, blank space. Then he changed it to his totally boyish rock music. It was awful, "what is this a bunch of guys hitting guitars with hammers!" I scream over the music. "It's called retro" he yelled back smiling "it's called retarted! Can we at least turn it down" it was like a rock concert in the car. "POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!" he started singing along and I beat him with my purse in till he shut up.

"Okay we at least have to get to know each other" he says once we have been seated. "Okay what's your favourite colour?" I ask "NO! Interesting things like if you were stranded in the desert and could have 3 things what would it be?" He asks "a plane-" "hold on Zoe, you can't have a plane"
"Fine water, food and a tent" I say "My turn! If you could be any book character who would it be and why?" I ask "hmmm mmmmmm. I would say Augustus Waters but he dies-" "No way!, Jake Dulo king of the school likes TFIOS" I say "yeah. Anyways if have to be Ethan from Beautiful creatures because he is brave, smart and is so totally in love" he says "no way! That's my favourite book!" I say "I was totally going to say Lena for that question". And that's how my night went we asked ridiculous questions and laughed, for the first time we weren't threatening to slaughter each other.

Jake said something surprising in the car. "Hey Zoe you might not notice it but were more alike then you think" "Jake you might not be all bad" I whisper. We lean in and out lips touch and the electricity sparks in my veins and threatens to stop my heart. We pull back breathing heavy. "I should go" I say walking out of the car but the my skirt gets caught in the door. "Uhhh here" Jake says awkwardly opening the door. But my skirt was caught in the gears. He tugged and it ripped the side. "You- you did this on purpose" I scream covering up my pink underwear with my purse. "I swear Zoe I didn't! But it was funny" he laughs and soon I was laughing too. Then we were kissing again. "I KNEW ITTT" my mom says. "YOU DID LIKE HIM" she's yelling. I suddenly realize what just happened and I guess so did Dulo. "See you 'round Brooks" he says flipping his hood up "whatever Dulo" I respond. "That's cute you use last names is it a football thing or something?" You see most moms would be unhappy to find their daughter kissing a trouble maker in the front lawn, but my mom was happy. This shows why I'm strange, cause strange parents make strange people. I went up to my room and lay on my bed. I knew a few things for sure.
1. I had already fallen of the Jake Dulo cliff.

2. I was reluctant to fall in love, but the issue was I had already.

I'm no cliff climber, I had fallen off the deepest cliff and I couldn't climb my way out. And oh my god did he look hot in a vest.

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