Alternate Ending

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Lilly Jennings

After The Saviors attacked Alexandria Carl got really hurt

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After The Saviors attacked Alexandria Carl got really hurt. We didn't know if he would survive. But Carl being the strongest person I know he pulled through. He got shrapnel and other stuff in his leg but mostly his abdominal. Thankfully Siddiq was a doctor before all this and helped save Carl.

Finding out I was pregnant was crazy. It wasn't the best timing at all, with Negan and others. When that was all over me and Carl were so excited to have this baby. Thinking of names was hard. We had a middle name for a girl and boy but we couldn't think of first names till she came into the world.

When she was born we both cried. I know Carl was scared because of what happened with his mom. That's why her middle name Lori. Her first name came after a day of having her. Carl saw it in a baby name book and said her full name out loud.

"Emerson Lori Grimes."

"I love it." I told him. "and i love you miss emerson."

Carl kisses my temple and leans his head on mine and we look down at our baby girl. People come and visit the first couple days then it was just us. We just looked at her for awhile in aw that we made her.

In the next couple years Carl proposed and we got married a couple months after that. Emerson did grow up to look like Carl but with blonde hair. She hates having her hair in her face yet hates having me put it up for her and won't let me cut it.

"Mommy, I don't want my hair up!" 4 year old Emerson whines. Crossing her little arms.

"Then it's going to be in your face sweetheart." I tell her pulling her into my lap.

She keeps a pout on her face till Carl walks in. Oh how she is a daddy's girl. She looks over and a smile goes across her face and she reaches towards him for him to pick her up.

"Hey Emmy. How's my little girl?" He says holding her on his hip.

"She won't let me up her hair up." I tell him. Leaning up to kiss him. Making Emerson about "ew!"

"Em, just let mommy put your hair up."

"It hurts though." She says.

"Well then let mommy cut your hair." She shakes her head 'no'. Carl looks over at me. I shrug my shoulders. "Then you'll have to deal with your hair in your face."

Carl puts her down and she goes over to me and crawls into my lap. He sits next to us. He rubs a hand on her back.

We've learned that parenting is anything but easy. Some days are better than others. But it's overall fun. We both enjoy being parents to Emerson. Somehow she always finds away to make us smile even when she's being a tiny terror.

Eventually we have another kid. A little boy. Names Owen Glenn. He looks like me but with Carl's brown hair. Emerson loves him. She was so happy when we told her she was going to be a big sister.

Now all she wants to do is hold him. It's hard to tell her that she can't hold him by herself yet because he's so little.

Seeing my two kids together is crazy. I never thought I would be able to have kids in this world. I thought I was going to die before I came close to that.

"I love you." Carl says as we are watching our kids run around our yard.

"I love you." I tell him pressing a kiss to his mouth.

He smiles at me wrapping his arm around me. I never thought i'd get this and I'm not taking a single second for granted. My kids. Carl. Nothing. I'm living the life I didn't think I could get. And I love it.
thank you for reading this! Even though Carl is dead I thought people would enjoy if Carl actually survives like he should have.
Please read any of my other stories if you'd like. I have a Chandler Riggs one that is like a spin off to this.

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