chapter 1: the wish

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There i am standing by the water fountain 3 weeks before Valentines day. Noticing the preparations of others decorating the school and some even treating their partners early. Me? I'm by this fountain to wish with all my heart ... No, with all my soul for the one I love to be with me on the proclaimed day of love.

You see, it may seem selfish if I were to admit he was a single guy  and I had no one in my way. He isn't and there is someone. But as one of the stand-of-ish kind students I'm not really a part of the popularity groups. And that's fine until you've fallen head over heels in love with a delinquent jock. Nor do I pick fights unless necessary.

Tossing the golden coin into the cold water with a sigh I walked away to the next class. Despite my mind running over every bad possibility that could happen in three weeks time; nothing and be lonely, he new about my little (secretly big admiration) crush a which could lead to endless tease, his current lover coming to rat me out and---
I'm cut short of my mini rant to hear distant arguing. Coming from a turn in the hallway...

(A/n I know its kinda short and on a cliffhanger-ish-end but I had a crazy idea and wanted to try it in an school au based with herobrine kind of story ^^ hope you enjoyed and see you in the next part, bye~ )

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