chapter 2: Friendship achieved

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((Before a/n... the pre-girlfriend in the story is named Tiffany. Change the name as you wish, I have nothing against you if that is your name. Just needed a name for the character. ^^"))

Turns out the distant arguing is my crush and his girlfriend, surprisingly. Herobrine, he sounded devastated almost hurt but also keeping as much composure as possible. His girlfriend, uh Tiffany I think (I don't socialize much so...), Sounded just as hurt as him but more sass than devastation.

Now I did admire the legend, so majestic, so powerful, so handsome and acts like a goofball to Tiff. Needless to say i wasn't popular or fancy so I believe i stood no chance. Then again I've never tried...

I saw them both walk in. Luckily for me this is the one class I can actually talk to hero in, being his desk partner and all. Glancing at his face, I could tell he was trying to hide whatever pain she caused him. He needed comfort or something...

As time passed I managed to talk him out of his slump of a mood into - even if its not entirely better - an elated spirit. He never told me what the argument was about however, I didn't wanna be pushy... Feeling satisfied that I helped even just a little, my smile didn't falter even when I heard comments about me talking or opening up to hero or him talking to me.

-time skip-

One week has past and to say the least i'm beaming. The love of my life is my current bestie! I can't wait for Valentine's day in two weeks time. That's if and when he'll ask me... If he doesn't then i will try, I'm a bit more confident and comfortable now. Nothing could ruin my mood! Besides we are meeting up at the coffee shop after school so it should be fun.

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