Chapter 1

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Jimins POV

   I turn back one last time to watch my parents wave sadly as I board the plane.  Letting a tear roll down my face, I bring my hand up to my lips to send them a big kiss, in which they return. With that I turn around and enter the plane. The time has come to return back to my studies in America after spending my summer with my family once again. 

   My family hasn't always lived in Korea, in fact for most of my life I was raised in America. Starting my senior year of high school though my parents made the decision to move back to Korea with my younger siblings to raise them "in their culture".  In reality I think my parents were just tired of living in the chaos which is America.

   So after the move I made it my duty to visit them ever school break I was given, including summer, winter, and on occasions my spring break.  I was always welcomed warmly by my family, being greeted with a lively atmosphere when I entered their home.

   Only this time was different.  This time there was no lively atmosphere or warm welcoming.  This time I was greeted by my shockingly distressed parents and clueless siblings.  I was given the news that my mother has been feeling ill, but refuses to go to the hospital. All throughout my trip I tried convincing her to make an appointment with her doctor, only towards my last days she agreed.

   Now I'm heading back to California knowing my mother could be diagnosed with any illness without me by her side.  All I can do is pray for her health and the well being of my family.

    Wiping my tears I decide to not let my mind wonder to all the negative possible outcomes I plug in my ear phones and lean my head against the window, letting sleep take over. 

* California *

   I open my eyes seeing that we already landed I raise from my seat making my way to my carry on.  Leaving my seat I peer up at the shelf where my carry on is located and sigh, how the hell am I going to reach that?, I wonder.

  I put my phone in my back pocket that reach up to grab the shelf with my other hand mindlessly searching for my bag.  Seriously how far back can it be?

  To try to reach further back I stand on my tippy toes feeling my face flush from embarrassment, how can I, a grown man, a 20 year old, be so unmanly.  I'm just about to give up when I here a deep chuckle erupt next to me. I turn my head to see a tall male staring at me, better yet my ass.

   I let out a soft "ahem" letting him know I'm looking at him. He simply smirks and raises his thick eyebrow as he makes eye contact with me. To say I'm shocked by how attractive he is an understatement.

   "Would you like some help?"  He asks in his deep voice.  To which I simply nod,  still dazed. His lips slowly lift into a boxy smile, I the realize he has a small silver hooped lip ring, as he easily reaches behind me to grab hold of my black bag.  He brings the bag down to me and nods.  I watch him begin to turn to leave when I realize how rude I've been.

   "I'm sorry, thank you." I say trying to catch his attention.

  He nods again.  "My pleasure," he replies cooly turning his head once again to leave, "see you around campus."  With that he's gone.

    See you around campus. . . . . wait, what? . . . . SEE YOU AROUND CAMPUS?!

   Lord please no.

   Don't tell me he goes to university alongside me. I just made a total fool of myself! Will he tell people? What will they think of me? Does he plan on actually seeing me around campus?  Why have I never seen him before?

  I quickly gather my things and exit the plane, noticing I was the only one still on it.  In a hurry I grab my suitcase wanting to just get to my dorm and excited to see my roommate again.

* University of California *

  I pull my suitcase behind me after exiting the cab, slowly making my way to my dorm.  The jet lag just hit me and I really just want to hit my bed.

  I arrive at my dorm about to open the door when instead I'm pulled into a bone crushing back hug, causing me to drop my bag and let out a load groan.  "Jin I'm not in the mood" I mumble trying to pry his hands off.

   "But I missed you!" My roommate yells in my ear with his loud voice as he sets me down.

   I turn around and wrap my arms around his torso letting him know I missed him too. "I've had a really exhausting trip." I confess.

   "That's expected," he shrugs, "how's your family?" He asked showing actual care.

   "Their fine, the kids are looking older and older  every time I visit." I answer, leaving out my mother as I would like to keep it private, while I unlock our dorm door.  He hums a reply as he helps me push my suitcase into the dorm.

   I reach for the zipper of my bag as Jin takes my chubby hand in his. "Hey, go ahead and rest I'll unpack"

   "No Jinie it's fine, I'm fine I'll do it" I protest, he shakes his head and guides me to my little twin bed.

   "I'm offering Jimin, please?" He begs, the way he cares for me will never fail to move me.

   "Thank you Jinie" I say turning around to face the wall.  I feel my eyes get heavy and it's not long until I'm engulfed in a deep slumber.


   Hi readers !!!  This my first book so hope you like it!!!

   Can someone share how long a chapter is supposed to be. This chapter is 1000 words but I fear that's too short, so if you can I would love to know!!

   Thank you for the reads !! <3

   Oh ! And just an FYI they are all going to be the same age in this book.

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