Chapter 7

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Jimins POV

Jin returns to the dorm really late, as in morning late. I watch him kiss Namjoon goodbye like 20 times before closing the door. Upon seeing him anyone would be scared. His grey blouse, that was once tucked into his jeans is out and horribly disfigured hanging low enough to catch a glimpse of his chest which is littered with bruises going up to his neck and shoulders. His hair is sticking out in every direction with deep bags under his eyes. His lips look red and swollen. He limps to his bed and throws himself on it, looking exhausted. I'm quick to assume he must have gotten into some kind of fight.

   "Jin what's the matter with you? Why do you look like that?" I ask worry laced in my voice.

   "Joonie was really rough last night," He groans rubbing his face in his pillow, I scrunch up my face understanding what he's referring too, he hugs his pillow cuddling it more, "I miss him." He whispers quietly as if he meant it only for himself.

"Jinnie tell him."

"Hmm?" He lifts his head to look at me.

   "Why don't you tell him how you feel? It's obvious he shares the same feelings." I advise him as I walk to his bed to sit by his feet.

   "No jiminie we're just friends." He buries his head deep in his pillow.

   I sigh, Jin refuses to accept his feeling for Namjoon or is simply ignoring them because he feels like Namjoon doesn't have any to return to him. Either way he's being stupid it's clear that they both care for each other and want more than a sex filled relationship. I try to understand how Jin could have gotten himself into this mess, but it's hard, I still can't accept the fact that people could go out and have meaningless sex. I know that if feeling came before getting in bed it would have been much easier.

   Brushing his hair back I try to comfort him. I'm about to lay with him when he suddenly jumps up, "Breakfast! We forgot our breakfast! I'll get dressed quickly," he rushes to his drawers, "c'mon go change!" He yells.

   "Jin we don't have to if you don't feel up for it." I reply looking at him concerned.

   "I'm just a little sore Jimin, it's nothing bad." Pulling over his shirt I can see how low the hickies traveling down on his torso.

   "I don't mean physically jinnie." I state honestly. He turns to me before signing, looking down.

   "Jimin it's nothing really. Can we just go, these little breakfasts help me get my mind off things." He pleas. I see how he basically begs with his round puppy eyes, so I get up and change into a loose white T-shirt with tight ripped denim jeans and my black converse. He smiles and takes my hand walking out of the dorm.

   We go to a small crepe cafe farther than usual, trying a new place this Sunday. We order and sit in the far corner of the shop. Jin begins complaining about starting classes tomorrow when our order gets brought to us. I ordered an all white omelette with spinach and tomato, trying not to add on pounds. While my roommate craved Nutella and strawberry crepes.

   Jin was feeding me a strawberry when the shop bell rang indicating that someone walked in, I turned towards the door only to lock eyes with a glaring stare. Jungkook and Yoongi walked in and Jungkook can't seem to look away. Yoongi realized that his friend wasn't paying attention to what he was saying and turned to follow his stare. Upon seeing me he nodded and moved to the cashier.

   I looked away and focused on Jin, "could we go back to the dorm?" I asked pulling in his sleeve, "what why?" He replies,

   "Please Jin!" I beg in a hushed tone.

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