Chapter 15

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Jimins POV

   I stir lightly and scrunch my nose, I'm falling out of sleep due to bright shadows hitting my face so snuggle into my pillow for more sleep and pull the sheet over my head to block the sun. That only makes me feel suffocated. I bring the sheets down again and turn the other way. Doesn't help escape the light that is shinning too bright right now, so I kick the sheet and huff loudly. Frustrated I shoot up and scan the room, which is definitely not mine, wall to wall. I didn't realize there was someone next to me until they yanked the sheets I had pulled down and burrito-ed themselves with them. I knew it was Jin by the way he continued grumbling about how impolite I was before drooling again.

   I was in Namjoons room, and all that happened yesterday hit me like a train. Telling Jungkook he's basically missing out not having sex with me, me and Hobi screaming at people to take shots with us then screaming at them more when they said no, telling Namjoon to date Jin already when Jin made it clear he didn't want to bring that up, and greatest of all going through Jungkooks personal belongings, well almost, and going off on him. So I recall digging my own grave. I remember everything although I wish I hadn't.

Stretching my arms I turn to the night stand next to my buddy, 10:41 a.m., I groan and have the urge to wake Jin up so we can leave. I didn't wake up running to the bathroom or with a massive hangover like the whole world tells you you would, but I did still feel a little buzzed and my throat felt dry. After what happened yesterday, I don't really want to leave this room with the chances that I'll bump into Jungkook. I waited for Jin to wake up or for Namjoon to enter for a few minutes but I desperately needed water, so I could only hope Jungkook left with the little artificial red head.

I throw my legs over the tall bed jumping onto the carpet with a small thud. Peeking at Jin to make sure he's still sleeping I make my way out of the room and close the door quietly, careful not to bother Jin or anyone else in the home at that. I don't like creeping around people's home without them guiding me, it makes me feel like an intruder.

I scoff at my own words, ironic.

The floor is sticky creating a small icky slapping sound as I paddled through the hallway. I turn into the kitchen but pause, disappointed at the sight of a bareback and loose sweats. Jungkooks tilting his head back a water bottle to his lips and I'm side stepping, unsure if I should turn back to the room.

"Just fucking come in," his deep command startles me and leaves me no decision to leave or not. His annoyed way of speaking is bothersome but I don't have room to think like that right now.

"Okay," I whisper, he doesn't look at me or even cares to turn around. Yesterday was so bad that the tension between us got worse, it made me keep my eyes on him as I crept up to the fridge, although I'm unsure what I really expect him to suddenly do, freaking drop me or something?

   I guess I was staring too hard because he spoke up again, "stop staring before I make you stop," annoyed again. His threat works because I'm quickly staring at the fridge nodding at nothing.

   His gulps are loud as he finishes his water bottle, I get the feeling he's going to leave the kitchen so I act on instinct and do something bold.

"Jungkook," I call out to get his attention and to my surprise he actually turns around to acknowledge me, "listen, I know I can't make excuses but I was drunk last night and I shouldn't have done that so I'm sorry," his face doesn't soften from his grim expression but he looks up at me, "I really am, it won't happen again." The room fell silent.

"You have fat feet." Is all he says.

"What?" It's like he totally did not even hear a word I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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