Chapter 3

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Jimins POV

   When we reach our room I quickly unlock the door knowing Jin's arms must be tired. He rushes in and throws my books on my bed, answering my conclusion. He then moves to his bed and collapse on it. I join in and we lay for a good couple minutes until he lifts his arm and checks his watch. He sits up rubbing his eyes and begins to undress.

"Are you really going to go?" I question him closing me eyes again.

"Are you really not going to go?" He replies with the same tone of voice. I remain silent because I feel no need to repeat myself.

   "Look Jiminie I'll stay this time if you want, but please promise me we'll go to party soon. It's not good for you to not go out. You need to get out there don't you ever want to have a girlfriend or even experience anything sexual?" At that I grab a pillow and sling it as hard as I can towards him while gagging.  He watches the pillow hit the wall and rolls his eyes.

   "God you're dramatic." He sighs, "I'm serious Jimin, let me take you to a party you'll have fun I promise."

   "No, gosh Jin just go I'll be fine." I pout actually looking forward for some alone time.

   Jin stares at me for a while as if he's having a mini debate in his head on wether he should go or not, then sighs and puts his tight black jeans on.  I watch as he quickly applies a thin layer of foundation with powder and grabs his lip tint. I look away as he starts to flirt with himself in the mirror.

   I never understood how he could be so bold, here make up on males wasn't so welcomed, in fact it was almost looked down upon. It had a tight connection to homosexuals actually, indicating that ever male that decided to fix their image up a little bit with makeup was gay.  How preposterous is that?

   Before he leaves he tilts his head to throw me a quick kiss, leaving with a bang.  I can't help but feel bad for being relieved he left, but it's been a chaotic first day back and I really just want to relax, alone.

   I lay back down and go over the whole day. As I recall the strange day my mind can only lead to one thing. Who is Taehyung? And how has Jin gotten to know him so well?  And why am I thinking about him? I can still feel the way his large hand held my own small one.  Remembering the sensation I would feel when his eyes watched me intensely.  Not to mention how attractive he was, his handsome boxy smile holding his lip ring, his pale porcelain skin, those thick neat eyebrows, his slim tall body. I can't help but be dazzled by his body, I mean any male would be envious of him. I should stop thinking about him, I've already thought about him for a weird amount of time.

   Instead I stand up and walk to mine and Jin's shared desk reaching for my Mac book. I change into white long furry pajama  pants with a matching hoodie and fuzzy socks, although it is still summer and 90 degrees outside the air conditioner in the dorms are blasting.  Picking up the books Jin threw on my bed I set them on the desk and proceed with my laptop to my bed.  I lay down and search for a movie to watch when my mind wanders to my mother.

   The lovely lady that raises me and pushes me to be who I am today, who expects nothing more from her son than what I prove to her. Someone so optimistic and loving. How can I expect to believe that she of all people may be diagnosed with a type of illness.  I remember as each day of summer passes she began to look more and more worn out.  I saw how what ever she may have slowly consumed her. I saw how she tried not to let her really pain show and forced a smile for my father, my siblings, and I. As much as I pray for my mother to not be going through anything extreme, I know the truth and I know the doctor will not deliver good news.

   I hadn't realized I was crying until I let out a small whimper, I reached my hand up to touch my cheeks to find them soaked with tears. At that I cupped my mouth and let the soft sobs I've been holding back since my time in Korea release. I turn letting my body curl into fetal position and let my cries out. Not caring about how loud I'm being since I am completely alone . 

   I cried til my head hurt and decided on sleeping it off as it is already late at night.  Excusing the fact that I should wash up, I closed my eyes and hoped for sleep.


I awake with a jolt after hearing a loud bang. I rub my eyes and silently wait listening for anymore loud noises. When I hear low mumbles and small groans coming from outside my dorm door. I turn to the clock, that sits on the bedside table between mine and Jin's bed, it reads 3:57 a.m.

My guess is that it's non other than Jin waiting outside having difficulty opening the door. I lazily sit up and begin to shuffle towards the door. I quietly turn the door handle and pull the door open seeing nothing, until I turn my head to my right to see Jin presses against the wall by someone slightly taller basically eating each other's faces. Having my head turned in their direction I inhale a big whiff of alcohol and scrunch my nose up. The taller of the two pushes more against the wall colliding their bodies closer together, when I hear Jin let out a low whimper I realize I'm staring, I instantly feel flustered and could feel the heat making my face glow. To make my presence known I lowly clear my throat, trying not to awaken our dorm neighbors. Neither acknowledged me. Once again I clear my throat. Nothing. Jin, for the second time, lets out another whimper.


Jin hears this time and turns his head as he meets my eyes his widen double their size. At that moment his partner takes it upon themselves to kiss down Jin's neck.

"No, no, Joonie stop" Jin pants pushing the other males chest back. Did I just say male?

"What babe, had enough teasi-" he cuts himself off as he notices me, "oh. Sorry, you must be Jin's roommate, sorry if we disturbed your slumber." He says smugly.

Just then I noticed his tattoos traveled up his neck and down his arms, not being able to tell exactly what they are due to the dark, I also notice a lip ring shimmering with saliva, similar to Taehyungs but the difference is his is centered in the middle of his bottom lip.

I stand there being too dumbfounded by what I witnessed to form words. Jin saw this and decided to be the first to speak, "Jimin this is Namjoon, another one of the friends I was talking about," he states, "Namjoon this is Jimin."

"Hi Jimin" he smiles wrapping his arm around Jin's waist, causing my friend to blush.

"Hi. Um, I'm sorry, I came out because I thought Jin was having trouble opening the door. Now that I see that's not the case, please excuse me." I excuse myself, leaving the door open for my roommate.

"Joonie I should go it's really late, thank you for walking me back." I hear Jin whisper, clearly just wanting the other to leave after being caught.

"Of course, I had to make sure you made it back safely" Namjoon replies not so quietly, as if it's not 4 in the morning.

"Goodnight" Jin whispers as he steps out of his hold and into our room. I watch as Namjoon quickly grabs his waist again and pulls him in for another quick, sloppy kiss. I blush and look down.

"Don't think you're getting away that easily" he winks leaning in for one last peek before he begins walking down the hall.

I turn around in bed as I hear Jin quietly close the door and make his way to his own bed. I listen to the sound of him stripping and wrapping himself in his sheets. He's quiet at first until he speaks up, "I didn't know how to tell you," is all he says.

To say I'm hurt is an understatement, "I thought you knew you could tell me anything. What's a best friend for if you can't be honest." I say pain evident in my voice. He's quiet again.

"So you don't hate me?" He whimpers.

"Jin I'm more mad that you didn't tell me than actually knowing you're gay," I say truthfully, "I'm tired, so goodnight Jin."

"Goodnight Jiminie"


Yay! Another chapter hope this book starts getting reads !

Love you readers <3

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