Chapter 6

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Jimins POV

I stick my hand out offering my greeting to Hoseok but he has different plans. He throws his arms around me laughing. "Not really into handshakes so hi!" I'm stiff until I laugh too and wrap my arms around him. We hug for quite a while then I feel hands grip Hoseok's waist pulling him back, Taehyung once again has his hands on his waist.

"Sorry he's drunk." He pulls a face.

"It's fine, I like him." I giggle, GIGGLE?!, tasting my juice a little more.

"Tae dance with me." Hoseok whines wrapping his arms around the others neck. Taehyung laughs it off and pushes him back by the waist again. Looking away I swallow more of my drink.

"We can't leave Jimin here alone Hobi, it's his first party" Hoseok turns to me with wide eyes, staring at me in shock.

"It's your first party!?!" He yells, I think he's louder than the speakers, I could see the other laughing quietly next to him. I nod with a small smile watching his reaction, "No way!" He screeches. I nod again finishing my drink without even noticing.

"Calm down Hobi you'll scare him." another male joins in while grabbing a beverage.

   "Yoongi?! When'd you get here?!" Hoseok continues to yell. At which Taehyung continues to laugh at.

   Said male walks up to us handing me another wine cooler, opened, "I saw you finish yours, I'm Yoongi by the way."

  "Jimin" I nod, knocking back more of the addicting drink.

  Before anyone can say anything else my phone light starts flashing indicating that I've got a call. I lift my phone to see my dads name show as the caller ID. Then it hits me.

   Today is my mother appointment with her doctor. What kind of son am I?! How can I forget something like that?!

   I look around not knowing where to go to answer the call, I clearly can't answer it here the music is blasting. Panicked I turn to taehyung, "Is there anywhere I can take this call privately?"

   "Upstairs the third door to the right, Kai's room" I quickly thank him setting my drink down, turning to leave.

  Hoseok looks up at Taehyung, "Wait Kai's room? No Jimi..." before he can finish I'm already pushing past sweaty bodies to answer my fathers call. I'm stumbling up the stairs starting to feel the effects of the wine coolers. The phone call has already ended so my light flashes again showing that my dad is calling for the second time.

   After reaching the top of the stairs I quickly make my way down the hall counting the rooms. Making it to the third door to my right I answer my fathers call while reaching for the door knob, pushing the door open, "Hi appa sorry I di-" I fail at finishing my sentence dropping my phone as I grasp the seen in front of me.

   A girl with long blonde, almost white hair, straddling the body a male who staring at me with nothing but a expressionless face with his hands behind his head, not even caring about the fact that I walked in on him and another completely naked having sex. Being still in shock I can't break eye contact with the guy, til "we're in the middle of something" the girl says harshly.

   "I- sorry I'm not, uh.. sorry" I say in hurry picking up my phone. I shut the door quickly and allow myself to breath. It's not long til I start hearing high pitched moans from the room. Collecting myself I continue looking for a vacant room. Finding a bathroom I lock myself in there and dial my father. He's quick to answer, "Hi appa! I'm sorry I didn't answer! How's ma?!" I bombarded him.

  I could hear him laughing through the line, "Hi jiminie, she's fine I was a calling to say her appointment was canceled, it's moved to a later time. I just thought I should let you know, knowing how worried you must be for your poor mother." Guilt instantly hits me like a ton of bricks.

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