Prolougue: Lucky

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This is very angsty (specifically Langst) so be warned.
I saw this au on instagram and I really liked the idea so I decided to make my own and I wanted to take it deeper.
I wanted to make something that people could relate to, and be more about the pain and suffering that a person with depression goes through. The self doubt, the loss of will to keep going, the sadness. I wanted to make something that portrayed what depression can do to a person and how serious it is. I personally have depression, which is why I like to write about it, and a lot of my friends don't have it and they don't understand it. This is personally not just a voltron au to me. This is more of a story of one's fight to beat depression.
Listen to the song while reading this. It adds the cinematic affect lol.

Category: angst
Ship: ???
Rating: PG-13: depression, low self esteem, self doubt, talk about suicide
Warnings: definitely not for everyone. If you do not like talk about depression then please do not read this.

Do not comment hate on this because "I didn't warn you" because I did. So read at your own risk.


In a world where everyone is born with a certain power there are downfalls.

For example, if someone can manipulate weather, and if they have mastered it, they can create huge storms. However, using that much power can, and will, kill them.

These storms could knock out huge cities, or they could form one right over the White House, taking out the president.

However, nothing like this has happened in a long time, mainly because the person would die, and there are tight regulations nowadays.

There are good things about it though, like if someone is an empath they can know if you're having a good day. They could help to cheer you up, or just listen to your rants without you saying anything.

Also, there are the technology and science prodigies that help make new medicine to help the sick and dying.

These are all abilities that show physical depictions of that power such as: a weather manipulator is always born with a lightning bolt birthmark on the inside of their dominant wrist, an empath is born with a mark on their body that glows when they feel another person's emotions, science/technology prodigies are just extremely smart.

These are all useful abilities that can help with an intergalactic space war, abilities that I do not have.

You might be wondering what my ability is, even if you could call it one.

Hello there, my name is Lance McClain. I am about seventeen, maybe eighteen years old, and I have the most useless ability there is:

Extreme luck.

I know it sounds stupid, trust me, I have had a lot of scoffs from many different people.

Everyone has their useful powers, and their physical appearances to go with it.

Keith is an empath, and he has a mark next to his belly button that glows sometimes. He really hates it, and hates when we look at it. When he told us all it made sense, since my mama is an empath I have a slight understanding for his actions. Empaths don't like crowds, and can become extremely tired when around people who have strong negative emotions.

Pidge is obviously a technology prodigy. She can fix anything technological in minutes, sometimes even seconds. People with this ability have no physical qualities, however it is relatively noticeable that they are tech prodigies. What give it away is their brains. They always have a certain glimmer in their eyes when they look at technology, or maybe it's just their excitement.

Hunk is a mind reader, even working on animals. All mind readers have a birthmark on their forehead that pulses when they read minds. That's why Hunk always wears his orange headband, he is very self conscious of it. Mind readers get very drained when entering another person's mind. They can only see so many thoughts before they get extremely tired. So far, the longest Hunk has lasted in my mind is twenty minutes, however only thirty seconds for Pidge.

Shiro has photographic memory. This is why he has such intense PTSD, he can remember absolutely everything. People with photographic memory don't have any physical giveaway, but much like science/technology prodigies you can just tell. They can recall almost everything with extreme precision. He can recite everything we said on the first day of being paladins, and it's really freaky.

Now, I guess it is my turn...

I have extreme luck. There are no physical giveaways, you can't really tell, and it does not relate to any other power. I know no one else with this ability, so I have no idea how to cope. The only proof that I really have is when I have a lucky coincidences that I point out to the team. However, my luck only works 9/10 times. It's not like I get everything my way, I do have to put in some effort sometimes, but luck is with me most of the time. Once again, pretty useless.

At least, that's what the team thinks.

Maybe you can understand where I come from?

Not fitting in?

Being an outcast?

No one believing in you?

Everyone telling you that you won't get far?

Having no one that you can relate to or anyone who can relate to you?

Being useless?


I have the luck on my side after all...

Is luck really worth all of this pain though?

Maybe I'm not as lucky as I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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