Why me?

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I woke up hearing a phone ding I looked at mine it wasn't mine, I grab Coy's phone and check it britt❤️ was labeled how you see it I unlock his phone reading the text
'Is it done? Did the bet get completed'
I texted her back pretending to be coy
'What bet lol'
'Did you screw the bad girl'
Everything in my body shut down, I fell for someone who was just trying to break me, I get up shaking his body
"What" he said not so dreamy anymore huh
"Get the fuck up and leave" I growled he shifts setting staring at me
"What" he asks
"I didn't fucking stutter now get the fuck out of my house we're not a thing I'm not someone you can just bet on!" I yelled at him getting pissed
"What are you talking about billy" he said rubbing his eyes
"That girl Britt in your phone yeah she asked if the bet was done and yeah I texted her back playing dumb, saying what and she said did you sleep with the bad girl" I say trying not to break down continuing
"I'm not a toy Coy don't you understand you actually made me feel like someone and now all that is crushed, I really thought I was going to be happy again" I said my voice cracking he got off of my bed coming closer to me
"Coy just leave" I say as tears pricked my eyes
"I'm not leaving" he said staring at me
"FUCKING LEAVE" I shout as a tear fell from my eye he grabbed his phone and his stuff leaving, I watch him from my window as he got in his car and hit his stirring wheel and then left. I go to my bathroom sobbing punching literally everything
"Why me why the hell am I a bet" I yell at literally no one
I slide against my bathroom door crying I feel so vulnerable, I just want to die
"Why me why me why me?!" I yell punching my mirror as it shatters cutting my cheek and forehead along with my knuckles,
"I just want to die" I scream and tears pleas down my face why me Coy why couldn't you just love me for me. I walk out of the bathroom leaving blood and glass everywhere not bothering to clean it up, I throw on sweat pants and a tank top with my leather jacket and high top converses, I throw my hair into a messy bun not bothering to grab my book bag because I know I'm about to get suspended.

I walk out the door to my bike hauling ass to school I was already late it was lunch time. I got off my bike and there was a couple stupid outside not many but they were staring like they knew what was up. I walk into the school into the cafeteria I walk to the table pulling out my flask I brought with me, Charlie was looking at me
"Why are you all cut up billy" Charlie asked I didn't see Coy
"Because I was just a bet to someone" I mumbled taking sips from my flask
"Coy betted on you?" Ian and Cameron asked in shock
"Yeah I know I was shocked to" I say I could feel the blood running down my forehead and cheek
"Do you know who he made the bet with" Charlie asked pissed Danny day there in silence
"Britt who is she" I ask them they all look at me in disbelief
"That's the preppy girl you always confront" Danny said
I hear the heels clicking, I smirk
"Don't do anything" Charlie says
"Billy don't" he said once again I stood up walking towards her getting in her face
"Aw are you hurt I knew he didn't like you" she said
"Believe me if he didn't he wouldn't had stayed as long as he did" I spat
"Well your a whore anyways" she said looking at her nails
"I wish you didn't say that" I said giving her a pissed off reaction I draw my fist back punching her repeatedly were now on the cafeteria floor she would slap me like she was afraid to punch me I swear everything in me turned black I punched and punched her as hard as I could I was even crying because of house pissed I was my shirt was grabbed by Charlie, he turned me to look at him
"Billy look at your hands" Charlie said I look down at my hands they were covered in blood mine and hers I look over at her as she laid there consciously I then seen Coy bear her
"I'm leaving" I said walking towards the exit
"Billy wait" I heard coy yell
"Wait for what another bet?" I spat
"No let me explain" he said
"I've heard enough" I growled
"Why are you all cut up" he asked
"Because I found out I was being lied to and better on like a fucking object that I'm not" I yelled at him continuing to my bike
"It's not healthy to drive while upset" he yelled back to me as I climb on my bike
"I'm sure I'll be fine" I say speeding off

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