Day 1 - Hurt/Comfort

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If anyone had come to Yasmin Khan and told her that she would one day run away from a group of aliens on an unknown alien planet with a woman who called herself the doctor, she would probably have laughed in their faces and told them they were crazy. But here she was. Running away from aliens on an unknown alien planet with the doctor right on her heels.

She made herself be brave and looked back to see one of the aliens pulling out a gun and aimed it at them. With her training in the force, the first thing that came to Yaz's mind was to protect the others. So she immediately turned to the doctor and brought her hand to her arm, pulling her behind her.

"Get behind me!", she yelled, Graham and Ryan turning back to them as they ran as well, the doctor frowning at the girl with a scronch.

"That's my line"

Before any of them could see what was happening, the gun shot hit Yaz in the shoulder making her fall to the ground.

"Yaz!", Ryan yelled running back to her while the doctor stood and held up her sonic towards the aliens.

"Take her to the Tardis!", she yelled and Graham helped Ryan getting Yaz away from the aliens.

"Don't you dare take another step!", the doctor yelled as she pointed her sonic at the aliens. They all stopped immediately and eyed each other for a few seconds in confusion.

"Now let's all take it easy, and come up with a solution"

The aliens looked at each other for a few seconds before screaming and running after the doctor once again. The doctor widened her eyes and turned around, running towards the Tardis. Once inside, she immediately closed the door, running towards the console and they were off.

"So much for damn hospitality", she said mumbled as she turned to see Ryan and Graham sitting next to Yaz who was laying on the floor.

"Take her and come with me", the doctor said without another word and Ryan eyed her for a few moments before turning to Graham who nodded. Ryan nodded back and took Yaz into his arms before following the doctor down the hallway. They walked to a door and the doctor walked inside, pointing at the bed. Ryan walked inside and laid Yaz down in the bed before turning to the doctor.

"Need any help?", he asked, but the doctor shook her head.

"No, let me take care of her", was all she said before asking him to leave. Once he was gone, the doctor walked over to the bed and sat down next to the girl. She gently rose her body a little so she could get her arm out of her jacket making Yaz hiss in pain.

"Sorry Yaz", the doctor said gently and kept going.

"Almost done"

Soon she was done and the doctor could see her wound in her shoulder more clearly now.

"Gotta clean your wound Yaz", she said and helped Yaz to sit up so she could get a better look at the wound. The next few minutes were filled with nothing but silence as the doctor cleaned her wound, Yaz looking anywhere but at the doctor.

"You shouldn't have done that", the doctor decided to start out, knowing Yaz wasn't going to say anything.

"If it hadn't been me, it would have been you", she answered back and the doctor looked at her with knowing eyes.

"Yaz you know I heal faster than you humans. Now you have a scar"

Yaz sighed as the woman pointed at her shoulder with the wound and she nodded looking down at her fingers.

"I know. And that scar now reminds me of you", she said looking back at her and the doctor furrowed her eyebrows as she put some water on the wound making the girl hiss.

"Sorry. But me? How? I wasn't the one pulling the trigger. Ya know how I hate guns"

Yaz chuckled looking down for a moment before turning back to her.

"I know doctor. What I meant was, it reminds me of how I saved your life. I chose you over myself", she said making the doctor feel a lot more guilty than she probably should. She sighed and looked down.

"You always seem to do that Yasmin Kahn"

The girl put her mouth into a thin line as she nodded and the doctor gave her a light chuckle before bringing her hand to the officer's cheek. Yaz felt her heart stop the moment she felt the contact and she could have sworn she saw stars.

"You should rest", the doctor finally spoke after a few moments of silence and Yaz nodded. The doctor gently leaned in brining their foreheads together and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Yaz kept her eyes open, looking at the doctor with wonder in her eyes. She was even more beautiful up close.

"Will you stay?", she asked before she could stop herself and the doctor's eyes opened meeting Yaz'. Before she could answer, Yaz closed the gap, letting their lips meet in a soft kiss. The doctor was a little surprised, making her freeze at first. And Yaz could feel it. So she immediately pulled back.

"I'm sor-"

She didn't get far as the doctor pulled her back for a more firm kiss.

"Aw aw, shoulder", Yaz said in between the kiss making the doctor pull back.


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