Day 6 - First Kiss

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"Do you think this will explode if I put it in the microwave?", the doctor asked as she walked inside the Tardis' kitchen where her companions sat and Yaz widened her eyes as she stood from her seat and took the metal thing she had no clue what was.

"How about we don't find out, ya?", she said taking the object out of the doctor's hands and said doctor pouted but gave a small nod.

"Fine. So fam. Where off to today?", she asked, her brightness put on once again. Yaz couldn't stop the smile on her face as she looked at the doctor while sitting back down.

"How about a trip to the movies?", Ryan asked and the doctor smiled wide.

"Excellent idea Ryan"

"Why? We have a Tardis that can take us anywhere in the universe, and you wanna go watch a movie?", Graham asked with a frown and Ryan nodded.

"They're showing Star Wars today"

"What's Star Wars? Are there any Tardis' in it?", the doctor asked and Ryan widened his eyes at the timelord.

"Now we have to go"

Graham sighed and gave in. "Alright. Yaz, what do you reckon?", he asked turning to the girl who nodded as well.

"Fine by me", she said and the doctor and Ryan smiled wide, the doctor jumping a little.


"This is our seats", Ryan said as they walked into the cinema. He had decided on a coke and some popcorns while Graham settled with a water. Yaz had stopped the doctor from taking too much soda and popcorn and had agreed to share a big popcorn with her.

The doctor went in first with Yaz following, Ryan and Graham last.

The movie started and Yaz could practically feel the doctor's excitement. She heard her move in her seat and she turned her head just so she could see the doctor leaning towards her as she looked at the screen.

All through the movie Yaz couldn't stop herself from looking at the doctor sometimes. She was sure pure when she concentrated on the movie.

"Wouldn't it be a real turn of events if a Dalek turned up?", she asked in a whisper and Yaz couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping her throat.

"Would be awesome though"

And then the scene that Yaz had been waiting for. One of her favorite scenes in the whole franchise.

'I love you', Han Solo said looking into Princess Leia's eyes and the princess looked at him with a smile.

'I know'

And she brought him in for a kiss making Yaz smile. The doctor looked at the screen, feeling herself blushing as she turned to look at Yaz. The girl felt eyes on her and she turned to meet the timelord's eyes.

"You okay?", she asked softly making the doctor swallow hard as she nodded. She turned back to the screen and watched the rest of the movie, her two hearts skipping several beats. Once the movie was over they all walked out of the cinema and over to the Tardis when the doctor stopped abruptly and the others turned to her, worried expressions on their faces.


The doctor turned to the sound of the voice, Yaz' eyes looking back into her own.

"I need to go", the doctor suddenly said, her hand on her stomach, making the boys furrow their eyebrows but Yaz nodded taking her hand.

"Sure. I'll follow you", she said turning to the boys. "See ya in the Tardis", she said before walking back towards the building. The boys shrugged and walked back to the Tardis while Yaz and the doctor walked inside the cinema and towards the toilets.

"Here. I'll wait here. Go do your business", she said and the doctor nodded, giving Yaz a smile before walking into the toilet. After a few minutes she was done and walked back out, finding Yaz on her phone. She walked over and washed her hands before walking over to Yaz and standing next to her.

Yaz turned and jumped a little when she realized the doctor stood next to her.

'"Jesus doctor, didn't see you there", she said making the doctor smile as she looked into the girl's eyes.


They stood in the silence, watching each other's eyes when the door to the toilet opened and a woman walked inside. They both gave her a firm smile before turning back to each other. Another tense silence started out as they stared at each other. But it didn't hold for long as Yaz stopped the silence.


She didn't get any further with the sentence as the timelord pushed her up against the wall their lips immediately meeting. They moaned into each other's mouths, the feeling of the other girl's lips on theirs finally a reality.

"Doctor", Yaz moaned out as they parted, the doctor's lips immediately finding her neck, Yaz' hand on the back of the doctor's neck.

"The stall", Yaz said and the doctor nodded and carried the girl into her arms, much to Yaz' surprise.

"Damn you're strong", she said making the doctor giggle. She walked inside one fo the stalls and closed the door behind her with her foot before placing Yaz on top of the little table behind the toilet.

The moment she was put down, the doctor leaned in once more connecting their lips and Yaz moaned into it. Suddenly the door to one of the stalls opened and the woman stepped out and heard the moaning from one of the other stalls. She furrowed her eyebrows and heard the two women from before in there.

A smirk appeared on her face and she walked over to the stall, before looking into her purse. The doctor was so focused on Yaz' neck, she didn't noticed the little condom peeking slowly in from beneath the stall's door. But Yaz noticed and widened her eyes, a huge blush appearing on her face in embarrassment.


"Ya?", the doctor pulled back from her neck and saw her face. She furrowed her eyebrows and followed her sight, seeing the condom on the floor.

"Oh! Thanks!", the doctor smiled wide as she yelled the gratitude before picking it up turning to Yaz who gave her a look that clearly said 'you're joking', making the doctor frown in confusion.


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