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Anyone spun round, and around

As Noone noticed- Anyone living in their town.

Except pesky birds, in the sky, who know best

+Fish in the sea who take no rest

The children (who'se memory, serves them well?)

Are the only ones to noticeandcare when and why Anyone fell

Maddened and muddled deeply in love. with the fish of the sea

and the birds of the sky with all he could, be

                                  Loving Anyone Else.

Anyone and Else could meet anywhere anyday

With this blue, round marble there is all-ways a way

All it takes is a smile, nod or something other

That Noone out there may be your lover

I know one test (Of time) that's true:

Of all the Anyones and Noones, it is only you

(Who can take your life by the reigns)?

That you can rule this world for all it contains

But the prize you see could not everbe true,

No, know the world would just betray you 2

Because Any1 could live well enough alone

And Else would be fine all on their own

It's the best part of life that on this planet so small

                                That Noone will care about u at all

I guess that's why: I. (always) pictured us together.

           To help me deal with this Nooneless weather.

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