Chapter 20

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**Kylies POV**

Adrian hasn't been in school this whole week; I was starting to get worried.

I finally decided how I actually felt about him and now I can't even tell him because I don't know where the hell he is.

"Hello? Earth to Kylie?" Ryan said as he waved his hands in front of my face.

"I thought you were done with the whole zoning out and ignoring the world phase?" Ryan asked.

"I am." I answered as I opened the door to my locker.

"Then what was I saying?" Ryan asked as he crossed his arms and looked at me impatiently.

"Uhm that im an amazing friend?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah, no."

"If it makes you feel better I was thinking about Adrian. I lied to him and told him I didn't love him, and now I think I do and I want to tell him." I said.

"OH MY GOD! I knew it! That's great im so happy for you!" Ryan said.

"Yeah it would be great if I could find him and tell him" I said as I banged my head against my locker.

"Stop hitting the pretty little head of yours. You will find him soon don't worry sweetie" Ryan said as he held be back from hitting my head.

"I hope so."

"Come on honey bunches of oats, let's grab Bella and have a girl's day." Ryan said as grabbed my hand to go meet Bella.

"Yes perfect a girl's day, because we need to go shopping for Brandon's party on Sunday." Bella said looking at Ryan.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Brandon Mitchell's party is on Sunday, he's rich and his parties are amazing and we need to look HOT! So Ryan, you, and I are going shopping."

"I don't know Bella I don't think im really up to a party" I said

"Pish posh, you have to come pweeese!" Bella said begging.

"Ugh I guess." I said.

"Yay! Leggo!" Bella said grabbing me and Ryan by the hand.

"Bella you look like a hooker." Ryan said, as Bella came out with a neon yellow dress with cutouts by the stomach.

"Ugh!" She groaned, as she went back into the dressing room to try on another dress.

"Kylie get your ass in there and try on these dresses." Ryan said handing me a load full of dress.

"Okay." I said with a sigh.

"How about this one" I heard Bella ask as I looked through the dresses.

"This is way to pink Ryan!" I said throwing one of the dresses over the top of the door.

"Bella try on another one, that makes you look fat. Ky pink is pretty!" Ryan said.

"You're annoying!" I said back trying on one of the dresses.

I didn't even look at myself in the mirror; all I knew was the dress was black.

"How's this one?" I asked Ryan as I stepped out of the dressing room rolling my eyes.

"Oh my god! Ky that's perfect!" Ryan shouted

I turned around to look in the mirror, and I surprised myself. The dress was black low cut, and had ruffles with fringes. Normally I would think it was too much but no not now, I was falling in love with this dress.

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