Chapter 12

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**Kylie's POV**

I sat on the couch with Bobby, leaning against him with his arm around me. We decided to watch Takers before we were interrupted by Adrian. As much as I would have loved to watch Chris Brown I couldn't stop thinking about Adrian.

After everything he said why would he come to my house and try to talk to me. He said it was important and it must be for him to come to my house after making it clear that he never wanted to see me again. As important as I thought it was I didn't care, after everything he said to me I didn't want to ever have to talk to him again.

"Are you seriously thinking about that douche?" Bobby asked, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

"No." I lied.


"Okay I'm lying, I'm just curious about what he wanted." I said.

"Don't be." He said.

"Well since you said so." I replied sarcastically.

"Listen he doesn't even deserved to be thought about."

"Oh my god, he's going to definitely attack me in school."

"No he won't cause I'll be with you the whole day."

"No you won't you're a senior, you kind of take different classes then me." I said pointing out the obvious.

"I know that but I'm captain of the football team I have eyes everywhere." Bobby said.

Bobby was right he did have eyes everywhere because in my first class, normally were Adrian sat there was a blonde haired boy with big muscles.

"You're in my seat." Adrian growled when he walked in late.

Before the boy could respond the teacher did.

"Mr. Grant you're disturbing my class, take another seat." The teacher said.

I thought it was just a coincidence but the same boy followed me to my next class, and sat by me.

Walking to my next class I was starting to get worried when I felt someone following behind me.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked as I stopped walking and turned towards the blonde kid who was behind me.

"No, but if someone was stalking you I don't think that would be the best way to confront them." He said with a laugh.

"So what are you doing then?" I asked, walking with him to our next class.

"Looking out for you." He replied.

"Ah, so you're a friend of Bobby's?"

"Yup, you can call me Ryan." He said.


"I know. We have all our classes together." He said.

"Oh, you look a little old to be a junior." I said.

"I got left back."

"Oh, well thanks I guess." I said as we entered our next class.

"You could have told me that you were sending some huge guy to follow me around all day." I said to Bobby as I reached the lunch table.

"I didn't think you would mind."

"I don't. I just would like to know that he isn't some crazy stalker next time." I said trying to be annoyed, but was actually thankful.

When I walked to my last class of the day I could see Adrian sitting in his seat. Crap! He got here early.

I turned towards Ryan but he already was ahead of me whispering to some skinny boy with glasses, the kid immediately got up and Ryan sat down.

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